Sexual Truth 03.12.2021

Marriage between a man and woman is only valid if the bride is a virgin.

There’s nothing tragic as saying I do to a woman who moaned and screamed to other men before you and who offered nothing more but drugs and/or lies. A non-virgin brings nothing but sex-styles she learned with ex-boyfriends and the sex-styles she will immediately forget the moment you are a year into the relationship.
I see stupid men saying marry a village girl and not a city girl. This is the greatest stank of them all. Village girls start getting fucked as early as 12 years until she comes to the city for education or opportunities. The thing with village girls is that they feign naivety when she did all the styles back in the village and then BOOM as SIMP comes along and calls her GOLD in a land of MUD and marries the slut.

Ask any man if they would wed a pornstar and they will say NO. They just don’t understand that the difference between a pornstar and a non-virgin is just the camera and the porn director.

Most men think MGTOW is a debate but rather a situation that any wise man today will take without even knowing what MGTOW is. Wanawake wa siku hizi ni wa kutomba pekee, doing anything more than that is stupid.

MGTOW TIP: Incase you want to chase a bitch on the morning after and you feel like hesitating just ask yourself, what do you owe her that the guy who broke the pussy didn’t?


Good talk

@forestmonkey tulia

Hapo sawa nyundo, no hymen no diamond!

make arrangements and get a till number na uiweke after posting such important messages tukuwe tunaweka kakitu , you never get such messages easily.