Ive been a waitress at a restaurant in Hurligham, this was an 6am to 6pm eatery not a pub.I would also help with cooking and be the cashier . And it was my parents’ so I wasnt working there for the pay. I just did it to wile the summer holiday away and learn some work ethic. I however have seen waitresses being harassed and I have been harassed at my first job which was at college/ training institute, I was very unhappy, I changed my dress code which was already conservative to polo necks and long dresses and skirts, so I know how terrible it feels even though I had choices unlike alot of these women. Its terribly sad in this day and age these things still happen even in developed countries. This is why financial independence is even more important a goal for women than men because a poor woman is way more vulnerable than a poor guy will ever be. Please be kind to waiteresses these guys go through alot. Talk about hostile workplaces. And if you have a great boss like I do now, just thank God and pray for him/her to live long. It makes a huge difference because of the amount of time you spend at work. Everytime I find someone working night shifts I tip 'em because I feel privileged to work an 8-5 where Im home with family on all holidays and weekends. Like I met this elderly lady who cleans the loos at Delamere stop over in Naivasha at midnight, the woman is old enough to be my mother. Out in the cold, cleaning up so that travellers have clean rest rooms. Ive travelled all over even outside Kenya , those loos are pretty clean. I know how horrible it is when you’re on the road and cant find a clean restroom. Maximum respect to everyone tryna make a dignified living no matter their age. Mungu awaonekanie. Ive worked a shift job and I can tell you its no joke working overnight let alone being on your feet the entire time. May God bless the work of their hands.