Serological study puts fatality rate at 0.2%

The deaths were nevertheless caused by UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Covid-19 pandemic is a scam supported by pseudoscience. [ATTACH=full]298509[/ATTACH]

Its a failed plan by the CCP , the Democrats and the devil represented by bill gates who wants to depopulate the black population but through Gods prayers and uncle Trump it has backfired.

Idiot. Your mother should have depopulated you.

I always wonder what drives people like you. People who are so enchanted with the globalist agenda that anyone who voices a different opinion is viewed as an enemy. I remember seeing sentiments like these that time when I had that HIV thread here. Sometimes you wonder whether it is stupidity or it is the demons in you or the effects of brainwashing or what it is …

Option 4 is more plausible.

  • It is the unprovoked nonsense you post.

Here is the link to the study you are quoting:

1.The study gives no actual figure for the fatality rate but you claim that it is “0.2%”
2.The study makes no mention of “underlying conditions”
3.It really makes me wonder whether you actually read the study or you just copy pasted this nonsense from your favorite conspiracist site

In conclusion, you are still a conspiracist and a charlatan

Its called anti Anti-intellectualism-look it up. Blame his tutors and our education system in general in regards to he cant question turn of events or even stomach another persons beliefs.

Are the underlying conditions killing people in droves and faster than before to an extent of countries making this an emergency? Sometime last week, 2000 people died in a single day in the US. Can underlying conditions do that?


  1. What’s the ‘actual’ figure then?
  2. Did I say the study mentions that?
  3. It really makes you wonder which site you think I posted it from. I made the infographic myself you dummy. You think I regurgitate theories the way you regurgitate CNN talking points? Nkt. I read the results of the study, made my conclusion, and created a simple understandable summary for television dummies like you.

It’s an estimate. The article says something between 0.1% and 0.4%… So I used the mean so that dummies like you understand.

I do my on reading. Try to read too. Stop watching top much television. Here is another study I’ve summarised for you. [ATTACH=full]298638[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]298637[/ATTACH]

It’s basic percentage arithmetic you dummy. 600 deaths in a population of estimated 200,000 - 400,000 positive cases of coronavirus. That gives APPROXIMATELY 0.2%
You an idiot and the only way you get informed is by watching television like a zombie.

Lol. You’re so dumb you can’t even see it. Anti intellectualism only applies to intellectuals.
Not conspiracy theorists.

Conspiracy theorists, we put them in their corner.

You are a zombie. [ATTACH=full]298641[/ATTACH]

Let’s start by looking at the headline of the article:
[SIZE=7]Early antibody testing suggests COVID-19 infections in L.A. County greatly exceed documented cases[/SIZE]

1.Straight away you can see that the aim of the study was not even about the covid 19 fatality rate. Whatever “calculations” you managed to perform are only valid for L.A. county, assuming they are correct.
2. If the study doesn’t mention it, why post your conspiracies together with a scientific study? Aren’t you just trying to mislead others that the study supports your conspiracies? In future kindly separate your conspiracy threads from actual studies.
3. Taking a screenshot of an article doesn’t make it a summary or an infographic dummy

As I have said, your calculations here are only valid for L.A. county yet your thread title doesn’t mention this. Again this is just another attempt to mislead as usual. But since you are so good at calculating things, why don’t you calculate for us the fatality rate for Italy? The figures are here:

I wonder why are you so concerned with calculations about something which you claim is a scam? What do percentages matter if it’s all a scam?

Lastly, you have claimed in other threads that “a PCR test cannot be used to diagnose”.
( Corona Virus is a SCAM - General - Kenya Talk )

But look at what your L.A. study says on PCR tests: “These findings underscore the importance of expanded polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to diagnose those with infection so they can be isolated and quarantined while also maintaining the broad social distancing interventions.”

In conclusion, you are still a conspiracist and a charlatan, not forgetting a dummy and also a zombie :stuck_out_tongue: