Series Recommendation: Maid

I know y’all like to be doped up on red pills so I’ll tell you this already: this is a female empowerment mini-series so the men in it are… well, pretty shit… like really shitty people all-round. It’s pretty fucking good though. If you liked Unbelievable, you’ll love this one for sure.

Synopsis: Single mother Alex turns to house cleaning to make ends meet as she escapes an abusive relationship and overcomes homelessness to create a better life for her daughter, Maddy.


Here’re a few more.

Reservation Dogs
My new favourite show. Watch out for episode four.

Scenes From a Marriage
The only series here where you can watch a 20-minute conversation with no soundtrack… just silent conversation. It’s fucking beautiful. The characters can be frustrating to watch because of their unwillingness to grow.

“Detachment? What the fuck is detachment?”

Only Murders in the Building

I’m still sad that Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency was cancelled.

gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy feminine shows

Tafuta kazi ama hobby ya maana series tuliwachia mabibi zetu na idle women who have nothing to do. Serious men n women are busy making money and doing more important stuff


Tegea Shang-Chi itokee.

Sooo… you want a trophy or something? Keep making money, serious man. Don’t be concerned about how other men spend their time.

Halafu… come up with something else. This joke has been said here too many times.

Kojoa urudi bed ulale

i agree, kweli kabisa.

Hio maid I watched the first 3 episodes na bado siifeel. I stopped

:D:D most mzungu streaming shows staring women zinakuanga meffi sana full of gay chieth mixed with misandry.