Senator Okiya Omtatah Strikes Again ..!


A Court Injunction against SHIF in progress …!!



Sen: Andrew Okoit Okiya Omtatah has filed a Court petition together with Eliud Matindi & Magare Gikenyi to stop the launch of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), which also seeks to quash the contract between the government and the Safaricom Consortium, citing concerns over the lack of legislation to operationalise the fund.

On Monday, 30th September, 2024, the petitioners moved the High Court, under a Certificate of Urgency, seeking interim orders suspending the implementation of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) on the grounds that the subsidiary legislation required to operationalise the Social Insurance Health Act, were not in place.

The petitioners have requested the Court quash the subsidiary legislation which are illegally and unconstitutionally being used to implement the SHIF.

The petitioners also requested the Court to suspend, and later quash, the decision by the Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Health, State Department of Medical Services, to contract the Safaricom Consortium (comprising of Safaricom Plc, Konvergenz Network Solutions Limited, & Apeiro Limited) to provide the Integrated Healthcare Information Technology System for Universal Health Care (UHC), under Tender No. MOH/SDMS/ADM/SPPP/005/2023-2024.

The petitioners have attached to their petition highly classified documents which expose the entire fraud scheme between corrupt government operatives and highly connected wheeler dealers in the Safaricom Consortium.

The secretive documents expose the contract between the Government of Kenya and the Safaricom Consortium to be a vicious fraud scheme deliberately designed to steal colossal amounts of money from the SHIF and/or from the Consolidated Fund, in the event contributions to the fund fail to raise the contract billions.

Though the Safaricom Consortium masquerades as investors, the truth of the matter is that they will not invest even a single cent into the Kenyan economy.

They are basic computer software vendors, who will retain all rights to their product, including the right to sell it to third parties, as they charge Kenyans for using it.

Not only is the contract unlawful
Kenyans will not get any value for money from it.

Further, there is no justification for contracting the Safaricom Consortium because is the exclusive mandate of the Digital Health Agency, which is established under the Digital Health Act (No. 15 of 2023), to deliver the Integrated Healthcare Information Technology System for Universal Health Care.

Another attempt by the evil Ruto Regime and its Cronies to milk and defraud Kenyan Citizens …!!
#Ruto Must Go


Jayesh Saini and his cronies should be in jail.

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Housing levy went to court got suspended but Bado tunakatwa Kwa salo. This will go the same route