Semenya Misses Tokyo, May Be Forced Out Ff Olympics For good. She Is A Man.!

This could be it for Caster Semenya and the Olympics. Forced out of her favorite race by World Athletics’ testosterone rules, the two-time Olympic champion in the 800 meters took a late shot at qualifying for Tokyo in the 5,000 meters, an event not affected by the hormone regulations. She came up short.
Now 30, Semenya’s hopes of making it back to the Olympics are dwindling.
The South African once said she wanted to run at top track events until she was 40. Now, her future ambitions depend on a final, long-shot legal appeal of the [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]testosterone rules or transforming from the world’s dominant middle-distance runner into a successful long-distance athlete. That’s going to be hard for her.

Semenya is the athlete that has perhaps stoked the most controversy in track and field over the last decade. If there are no more appearances on the biggest stage, it’s been a career like no other. In 12 years at the top, Semenya has won two Olympic golds and three world championship titles, but her success has come amid near-constant interference by track authorities. She has only competed free of restrictions of one type or another for three of those 12 years.

Well if she was a man, how comes she can’t beat women at that 5000m?

But in the U.S, they’re allowing transgender men to compete in women’s sports.

Now that you are a man, do you think you would beat them.

Swali mzuri

Out of context!

She should not run with the women. Akimbie na mandume tuone sasa!

You can beat them out of context?

You don’t understand!

How can he beat them yet he is not an athlete? That is the context I’m talking about


Msee, nimesare! :D:D:D

His argument was… If she was a man… Meaning as long as she’s a man, she should beat them whether an athlete or not

A “man athlete” for that matter

Hehee usisare…

That’s a corrected version. Didn’t know you have two handles :smiley:

No elder. Just one.

Sawasawa mkuu

They want a woman who was born naturally with a high testesterone level to take drugs to lower them if not, she is not allowed to compete in the olympics while at the same they are allowing “transgender” men to participate in women’s sports?? Madness if you ask me!

If she was white she would have been widely celebrated