
Hehe the date keeps getting pushed back. In June you will be saying wait till Oct

Berlin patient, Brown and,
the London patient, Adam?

Nimecheki vida ya Ungwaro pale shityzen, wacha tu.

This has not been verified.

Neither have your herd immunity claims…

Hii ni upuss, don’t be scared. Corona itaisha vile ilikuja

Ati Melinda has what ??, Information that GoK doesn’t have



You are an expert on everything. Let qualified people do their jobs.

Kumbaff Maffi ya kuku. Covid-19 has been here and most people have been infected and recovered without knowing. We have also been isolating ourselves for the last two months. Do you want to tell us to continue staying in our homes again? No way. Ambia huyo Matina Gates apeleke upussy mbali.

Cold weather on the way. Things will get complicated

Corona Virus is a SCAM.

Uko na ujuaji mob na confidence in your ignorance. Umeingia corona treatment centre yoyote so far Kenya? Have you even seen the patients there? I doubt… there is very limited info about this virus since it’s new…we deal with what we are seeing on the ground na so far almost all people are asymptomatic. Most people in the centres are even begging to go home and isolate from there.

Two cases - the Berlin and London patients via bone marrow transplant…

Tiga mwira Wamanyoka uguo sir niekwimira

Hii ghasia mjuaji is always preaching hot air sasa ameskuma date 4 months ahead.

taka taka kabisa

Taka taka kabisa. Fear mongering bure…Ata leo kuna mama amezaa isolation na hana symptoms…Hii mjuaji anadai tu sijui bodies all over blah blah blah.

Educate this pilsner boy

And who is this birdbrain that needs to be told to stay indoors? This is more than common sense. This is no time to play hero at the forefront with the virus