See miguna miguna capless


$ hii tuliona wakati tulikuwa tumejificha na Adam pale Bustani la Edeni

Waa inakaa nikitambo,ww ndo uliturep kwa Noah’s ark?

Ati lini…

Hehehe…I watched the gubernatorial debate juzi and it was hilarious. Masweeps all around. P.K. when giving his final word akasema we should be able to discern between the good, the bad and the ugly. Hapo kwa ugly aliniinsist and I bet it was a sweep to Migunia Migunia.

Eye cleansing is real! #tbt

A happy ofisa. Mpaka anatoa face shield ndio persil iingie ndaaani!

Wapi ile scar ya upanga Sonko alisema ako nayo?

Sura ngumu lakini nyonyo soft

When miguna doesn’t have a cap on his head I think most people will not recognise him easily as he has it always