the first time it was just a simple theft. i had stolen some cabbages to take to my grade rabbits. luck wasnt on my side the farmers had vowed to teach a lesson to the residents since they were non residents. they had rented out “water shambas” near our place. locals didnt dare rent it out since they beleived it was betwitched.they used to split the harvest with the locals due to theft. on the unlucky day i visited their shambas as usual not knowing that they lay in wait. when they caught me they beat me up and tied me to a gunia of soil. then threw me in a deep pool in the river. one of the knot slipped and i freed myself before i could drown. i crossed to the other side of the river and started herekiang them.
this incidence made my mother a laughing stock(she was baptised mother of thieves) and and for this i was to receive thirty strokes of the cane for a month.
i could wait for this kind of punishment so i ran away to become a chokosh. in my chokosh career i still cheated death. i was a greenhorn in the art of snatching handbags and stealing side mirrors. on the fateful sato we trailed a well dressed lady chosen for my by my tutors. on their count i was to snatch the bag at an appropriate place and time. i delayed a mistake that almost cost my life. after i snatched i wad caught and lynched. while i lay there comatose they procured for a tyre and some petrol. as i was about to be lit a barmaid came to my aid. she rescued me and sent me back home where i continued schooling. that was 13 years ago. i was just eleven.
the most memorable one was very recent.
january 2014. in isiolo garbatura.
with my uncanny ability to smell out good deals and some capital to fund expenditions. i was approached by a warieh with some alluvial gold and some rare stones. he told they were worth alot and we went with him to eastliegh where i proved his word. he informed me that there was more where that came from. starting isiolo to elwak all the way to ethiopia. and since i wasnt a fool to part with my money i armed myself and accompanied him to isiolo. little did i know that the buyers had their own territories protected by armed bandits. on my first trip which was very successful i bought stones worth 700k and sold them for 2.7m.
on the second and the last trip i nearly met my maker.
i met the sellers in their makeshift tents where i was to buy the stones. i had with me 1.8m and still armed. just as we were weighing them(in gram and ounces).
i was informed that the territory owners were looking for me and if they found me i was deadmeat. that was news to me since my guide havent informed me about territories. i had to think fast there is only one entry to the tent and i was sorrounded. outside was a no go zone.
i dont fear death but i wasnt ready to face hardened bandits armed only with a pistol.
luckily there was this cargo box which served as a seat for the sellers. i jumped in with my scale and squeezed myself into the 322 box.
one of the sellers then sat on it. when the bandits came they were told i havent arrived yet. they waited for me for three hours while i was clamped in that kabox. when they finally left they said i be told if i am seenin those parts i am kaput.
the sellers blackmailed me into parting with my money so that they can smuggle me out of there. i didnt breath properly until we were past isioli barrack on our way to meru. i have never wished to see any kind of expensive stones since then.
i have barely escaped with my life severally i am starting to think i am immortal. a hekaya for another day will be how i escaped with my life in a robbery gone haywire. also how my fellow money launders failed in their murderous intents
Finally the hekaya has come. Ashana na watu wa osungu lakini hio herekiaring naituma kwa oxford advanced dictionary. Lazima waichukue.
Out of nine lives zimebaki ngapi?
Kawambui umepitia mengi. Hope you are now reformed.
(chunga hii story isiende Mharo. @kichwa kibof is very much around…)
umebakisha two lives
maybe two lives. how do say kuherekia in engrich for real?
depends on what you mean by reformed?
hauwezi niambia twendee thate million othaya style na kisu nikatae.
As in aandike will aaachie machokosh kila kitu
this is some serious shit ii inaeza pass kama script ya Afro cinema na ata ishinde Oscar.
even if i die today hakuna hasara. i have lived.
thought the same though
Herekia ~ taunt
@gashwin njoo ukonfirm
I can’t remember who in klost gave an almost similar hekaya. But him went to Nanyuki and started DFRYING pokos.
so you were caught and lynched? When did you resurrect? By the way, how is death.
On a serious note, did you learn for the first time from waria that gold is worth a lot?
it was i and i.
i was a pimp by age eleven.
lynched=beaten to a pulp°₩§¥ in my world.
wariah miners sell it too cheap. the brokers/middlemen exploit them
So this is your edited final version?
that was kawambui the sleekgirl a.k.a @Carbon
for sake of the other two hekayas pending, grammar nazis wakae mbali na hii thread
Life is God given, Him only knows the right time to take it away.
kuna tym nistress maparoz hadi wakagive-up. mzazi anafika mahali anakwambia even if he/she found u been stoned, that would none of his/her biz. unamess kijiji now and then nkima there’s no tmrw
no that was the hekaya of how i had run away from homevand adapted to street life.