Sciensi edishen:How does natural selection occur in human beings

Mshikadau nimerudi na maarifa,naulizaa(put kisii accent with blocked nose)…does natural selection occur in the homo sapiens…if yes,how does it manifest?Na mtu asianze mambo ya the earth is flat and your dick is small.

Not in modern world, but years ago it used to. Firstly, before modern medicine, weaklings were weeded out naturally, and in some communities they were thrown away.
Community warriors used to mate with as many females as possible hence their dominant genes were passed on.
Nowadays , the geeks and the nerds are the one’s mating with lots of females, and passing their genes on, which is in turn Fcuking the human race further.

Ebu ambia george makei ajibu hii kwanza[ATTACH=full]162268[/ATTACH]

Survival of homo sapeins has undergone a paradigm shift from physical to intellectual ability, ukikaa legelege huwezi zalisha mwanamke (use Kibaki’s accent here), but if you are mentally sharp and resourceful you can have babies all over. Ni hayo tuu.

Still happening in some countries eg Ssudan congo etc lots of curable diseases are still weeding out weak children in Africa… your analysis mainly applies to the developed world…

What about the good looking males,both resourceful and peasants mating females all over…,will it get to a place that only good looking kids are born

Thats a minimal percentage…,like in Kenya we hardly have diseases which weed out weaklings these days…,

I will have you know that its for the nerds and geeks that the internet and all modern technology exists.The nerds invented practically every modern tech. Think Einstein, Tesla, Bill gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Steve Jobs, Turing, Watson, Wozniack. I bet 90% of modern tech has a nerd holding patent. Now reconcile that with the import of your last statement

That is how natural selection weeds out weaklings. nerds are at the top of the food chain and are best suited to survive and raise good offspring. health and physical strength is still a factor with women stuck with favouring primitive traits such as fitness, height etc. I am sure no woman wants to date sick people. being nerdy doesnt cover for being physically weak. and being physically strong doesnt cover for being a nincompoop. thats why a few people with the right mix impregnate very many women.
Men also select intelligent mothers nowadays so survival has higher chances in case the man dies like it happens very often.

If they are resourceful sooner or later they will cease being peasants otherwise their offspring will suffer natural attrition.