Kizungu ya mapua ni kizungumkuti kwa mtu hakuenda a proper private school.
Ushai skiza wabunge wetu pale parliament? I hate how they sound.
Here is a perfect example. In the first video, the woman is reading a book to the kids. In the second video, she is doing high ticket sales (her career). A clear transition from A to B to C. Those kids are already miles ahead of their peers especially in sales and marketing because they are eloquent.
Hio keja iko sawa sana.
Yeah. Iko Muthaiga pale kwa barabara. Ni kadhaa na niliona kama some embassy walizinunua. Hiyo video ni ya kitambo kiasi. Ziko pale karibu na mansion ya Wanjigi on Limuru Road.
Ukiuza nyumba kama hiyo moja haukosi 5M+ in commission.
Hizo msee anapata na 400M sahi, na kujenga ukiwa na 50-60M unajenga keja safi sana.
Zilikuwa listed for 250 mirrions. Mbesha fari fari. Only billionaires, governments, and corporations can afford that price point. No wonder ni embassy zilizinunua.
Saa hii kununua shamba Old Muthaiga you would have to be a high net worth individual, literally. A high net worth individual is someone worth more than $5M.
Sani boi, you know how the rich keep getting richer; it’s by exploiting every possible loopholes in the system and at all levels. But that’s besides the point, the point is, I invested heavily on my daughter early childhood development and now its starting to pay off and will likely do so over the long term. It’s not a matter of whether I can afford to pay or not; it’s a matter of giving her opportunities and clear advantages over her peers. She’s already making some money for herself at her age … u can guess at 18 where her level of financial intelligence will be at.
Good idea but you also have to have enough money to keep up with the standards za rich kids. If you cannot afford international school trips, holidays abroad, latest iPhones etc Mtoto wako atatoka huko akiwa traumatized. Kids form cliques and your child will always be classed as the odd one out. Afadhali kupeleka mtoto where you can afford azoeane na watu wa class yake.
Zijakataa … nasema tu, you don’t necessarily have to be a multimillionaire to get your kids to this schools. They have a lot of scholarships for talented students. Schools like RV are very hard to get into, and you don’t only have to prove you can manage their fees but that you can also afford to sent them to university abroad upon completion.
you did wrong maths juu 390 ya public school could have given you a better public national high sch , than a 400 in aprivate primary.
Who goes to a better school between mtoto wa 390 wa public na mtoto wa 430+ wa private?? Wacha mchezo kijana. 430 sio 400.
actuary kama ni 430 mtaenda same alliance high , nyinyi wote ulizaa elders hapa watakwambia.
Mimi wangu 2 fee per year ni 231k total 462k na nalipa one year in advance sitaki simu za fee balance. After umelipa mind inaingia biz mbaya sana by July ushalipa fee ya the next year bila stress.
Not in the 2000s. Hiyo mwaka hakuna mtu wa hiyo shule alienda national school, including the top guy with 403. Hizo miaka watu walikuwa wanapita sana KCPE. I remember kuna mwaka the top student scored 480/500 buana. Compe ilikuwa high. With 403 ukiwa public school you were a nobody.
mimi nalipeleka wangu jana sisi tuko public yetu kwanza inaitwa comprehensive school, sijui ina maanisha nini . so kuna balance ya last term na shuku wife alikula hio doo , naomba head teacher anikubalishe hadi mdterm anazua vile atitumekula sherehe sana hio december hadi mnatuma selfies kwa social media , manyama hadi tei, Nikamwambia kilakitu kwa social media ni ya uongo, akacheka sana , mtoto ako daro hio sasa hadi end month. mdogo class 1 bro yake js class 8.
wadau tukubaliane, kupata A inakuwa meaningless kama huwezi jiexpress vizuri kwa platform yyote enye utajipata.
nimekuwa convinced watoto wa private schools wako mbele zaidi.
kama resource ziko, mtoto anafaa asomee ile shule mzuri zaidi.
It must’ve been a success sasa uliamua wengine ni kuwa softened.
Unasema gachagua was saving ISK alumni from dying in mitaro za pombe.