Unconfirmed rumors indicate smoke from the ground floor.
Unconfirmed rumors indicate smoke from the ground floor.
Hii tumeona huko kwa wa tongoria hadi live feeds.
It has been contained. No panic
Peddling rumors without regard for the backlash that will ensue can attract huge lawsuits.
kulikua na moto
There is alot more smoke now than before and more fire engines driving in, is that fire really out?
Ama the fire is a smokescreen for a robbery, chaos theory from the Wesley Snipes movie at work!
Muindi amechoka na kulipa premiums za insurance, imebidi acollect mapema :D:D
Sasa wacha uone ‘We are one caravan’.
Niaje mtu wa I&M upperhill head office, mnahamia parklands lini?
hehe jamaa wa Nakuru High cheza chini