Salim Lone departs

… usually take reports like this with a grain of salt, so make of it what you will.


Before wetangula apigwe risasi na signboard

Before 2RM imalizwe

Hii tuliona na tukasema kuna vile inakaa fake hivi hivi…,

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Yaani guys had sent in kes 215 million for laggards to cause chaos at polling stations? Kenyans are exceptionally gullible.

before Israelites left for Canaan.

hii tuliona before gidigidi na majimaji waimbe unbwogable!

** @Deorro hii font ni ya umeffi. serre!

Hii font is making me agitated!


PArt of the disinformation strategy from NASA. The writing style hardly seems to fit Salim Lone’s polished diction…not from Jubilee but from ODM itself…something cooking…

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Hii tuliona bado ukiwa homo erectus.
Deorro toa hii fonti?

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Boss, how many times do you have to repeat the same thing that’s been said before?
Serre ni nini?

Font gani? Has anything changed?

Hmmm… lakini, why would ODM reveal that they collected 215 million shillings that is missing? Strange times these…

what has been repeated many times?? if it’s about the font, then the one being told hasikii so it has to be repeated over and over until he acts on it.

Tuliona wakati alibaba aki recruit 40 thieves

When the Igigi were digging the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.

pia mimi nashangaa

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Nilienda kuona optician jana nikifikiria Mecho yangu imeharibika, kumbe ni font. @admin toa hii font fake.

kwani wewe unakuwanga tea boy kwa hiyo ofisi ya @idi admean?? hata kubadilisha font lazima u call reinforcement?


Sasa imebadilika pia kwangu