
What is the best remedy of employers that do not pay salary (from September last year). Court or what is the better option?

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Why should you work for more than 1 month without a salary? Wewe ndio fala


Expose them on X

Does small claims court handle this?
Are you a member of a workers union?
Have you written to the employer asking for your remuneration and what was their written response?
Evidence of work done kama clocking in, or service provided or contract with employer stating terms of employment and remuneration frequency?
Disciplinary issues?

Mimi siezi fanya kazi kama hiyo. Employer asiponilipa mwisho wa mwezi thats how I bolt.

Is it a meaningful amount owed to you ?
For less then 10k you can hire goons who know how to make him pay you (in full) on the same day.

Salary is good. Problem ni kusema italipwa in bulk, but time is moving. And the end of contract is here. I don’t know kama legal way can work if someone has the contract paper