@sakwa And all you others who think like him/her

You know i once read somewhere that one of the biggest things the british came to regret(in coloniol times) is that they didnt seperate the kikuyus in kenya like they did the merus in tanzania(i think they are now the merus of tz and the maasai of kenya,if that makes sense, i cant remember) with the (scrambe for EA) border.They divided the wrong tribe!
The kikuyu have always been an industrious and progressive tribe, they knew it, they even said it and no matter what you or all others say or think(cry theft) it will always be so and we have proven it no matter who sits on that throne (moi).if your plans for 2022 (as you claim wsr would do in your post earlier today)is a repeat of moi era,let me just say we are in the 21st century, it wont be that easy, not in these times.if this is what youre waiting for, just prepare yourself for disappointment.

Another fun fact,our forefathers took that railway line to the lake region, that is probably where we got that construction gist from.we saw what the white man did and we picked up a skill. And it has served us well till today. It may not be some prestigous way of making money, like having a white collar job with all those academic qualifications you think so highly of but it has worked, people have given the best they could to their children and they have prospered.
You know if you can till the earth then you can feed your family.if you can feed your family, then having many children will never be a problem for you, and so you will have many children,i mean its not science. That is how our numbers and prosperity grew, All from simple subsistence farming. Our prosperity did not begin when afew individuals benefited from kenyatta era, it begun in our own homes.
Once theirs and their childrens basic needs were taken care of they were all able to go out and look for more. All those people you say you see walking around cbd will never go home and lack food in the evening and thats a fact. They hustle, and to you they may look lowly but i promise you its not the last place youll see them. That lowly kiuk you see working in cbd (or in an mpesa shop) has a plan and a future, i guarantee you that. They will be successful, which is subjective-you dont have to be a millionaire to be successful. if you can feed your family and educate your children, give them a good comfortable life then that in itself is success.
You say people in central are living in dire "impoverished"conditions , to you it may look dire, but i know it isnt so. I know they have a small farm, a space somewhere,where they farm so that they can feed their family all on their own and that is dignified, and a dignified life at that no matter how bad you try to make it look or seem, like its the worse kind of poverty youve ever seen in your entire life and you know it isnt true.

Dont spew hate.dont say false things just to trigger people online. Dont purport to be part of a movement that hopes for a better country.
Its clear you dont wish for a better country for everyone. How can you put the destruction of a tribe and revolution in the same sentence? You are not a revolutionary. Your “revolution” is flawed because you have already condemned one tribe to fall, a tribe whose majority has done nothing but live their lives innocently. you know that they are not to blame for this countrys failure nor are they to blame for your tribe’s suffering but rather afew men who are from all the tribes in this country.you are educated, and therefore you can see the truth and you can think.

You did not need a thread kuandika hii nonsense yote. Anyway a few facts.
-A peasant shiny eye believes that he is better off than a rich or learned Jaruo
-The average Luo guy has an inferiority complex.First thing they do akipata pesa is to get a shiny eye wife where he invests heavily financially and ‘feelingswise’.
-If shiny eyes really were the problem, lakeside counties would be getting glowing reports on financial prudence from the Auditor General.
-The average Luo is programmed/brainwashed to believe that his problems begin and end with shiny eyes.

(For those who did not read…) Those are the 10 words that the 1000 word essay boils down to.

And to onlookers, this is how you sound like in case you didnt realise;

“Here, here, see me! Look here now! Look at me! Kirubi is my distant relative…”


People who attribute their personal failures to a tribe live and die as failures e.g @sakwa . There are only two tribes in Kenya and every day I see peasants blaming other tribes for their failures. You are closer to your (insert any tribe here) neighbor, than you are to Uhuru, Ruto or Raila. They don’t even know that you exist. Yet a fool like @sakwa will come and rant about how a certain tribe makes him a failure in life.

Where did all this come from? Who is Sakwa?

@sakwa is @Jazzman

Ah nimepata that thread. Sakwa wants to annihilate the Kikuyu. He will not be the first one. The British had the same mission too

There are rich okuyus as there are rich luhyas, kisiis and luos. What is sickening is the readiness of okuyu peasants to fight their rich tribesmen wars. Unapata Njoro ama Kama mdomo kauka singing to a rich dim eye vile Kikuyu’s are enterprising and rich alafu anamalizia kwa kusema “mezeni wembe” then goes back to his shanty to meza air burgers.
For evidence, angalia maisha ya thuraku saa hii after kumira kumira. Huwa inawauma but they are not bold to call out the bullshit.

Sakwa is a sucker. A dick sucker for that matter! He is a sick fella with Hitler’s mentality.

Read here

Cendro-Led Property Development Companies Going Down too fast - Business - Kenya Talk
This is why i created this thread.
It may be nonsense to you but its long overdo. Even after devolution people can dare say that the kikuyu are to blame for their suffering.NO it is the leaders you elected from your own tribe! How were we to have this revolution if people still think this way? Thry obviously arent clear on who or what the real problem is.We are still so divided i dont know what the future of this country will be.

on your first fact, those peasants dont think about you as much as you think they do.how are you important to their lives? The second is a stereotype. Only afew marry from the tribe and they go on to form successful partnerships and families. Everyone invests and its not something as trivial as feelings and money. Sakwa and all others this thread is meant are proof of the last.

Everyone is suffering with this current government. Not just thurakus.and this government is full of people from different tribes. But you know this.

Now let me sink down to your level:
Its better kupiga mdomo than to go on a tirade of destruction in your own places,destroying your homes, your roads and everything else just because you didnt get what you want. And Incase you are from another tribe its better to piga mdomo than to cower,hide behind this tribes tirades and to blame another tribe for all your misfortunes yet you know it is not true.

The guy with a kyuk mum?

You know what sakwa magreb and poyoloko and every other tribalist on this forum,you know the truth, i think as you have lived your lives, voted in every election and what not you have all come to realise the truth about everything, that your failures are your own,that the kikuyu peasant nor the leader is to blame,but your very own selves. but i think its more hurtful to think that you are responsible so you stick to what youve always been told, it is the kikuyus fault because it hurts less.even when it beats all logic, betrays how your educated minds are supposed to think,even when you know the truth, you still stick by it. We all have our own failures but we domt blame others for them.

Why are you making the assumption that I am not kyuk?

[SIZE=7]Long live nyumba ya Mumbi.[/SIZE]

@Wafs used to be extra tribalist. I don’t see his/her posts. Maybe because I put him/her on the iggy list

Anonymity hides many things- your gender, your sexuality, but never who you really are.

Its very clear you are not.and if you are then you are confused and im not talking tribe here…

:D:DYou put up a tribal post about how your feeble aboriginals are superior to the other (equally feeble) aboriginals and then you forget and go calling others tribalist?

Another nonsense thread.

[quote=“thesavage, post:18, topic:193306”]

No i did not put up this thread to say we are superior,or others are inferior, i dont believe in that, i put up this thread to correct sakwa in one of his earlier posts, to negate things he was stating as facts,to say that whatever he or others have planned for 2022, will only be nothing but a dream spewed on hate.i am not tribalist but a proud kikuyu merely stating my beliefs, what i know about my tribe,my history, but no where in that post have i put anyone down or alluded to inferiority.nowhere.i am simply trying to educate a few people on things they think they know but really do not.shouting poverty in central? Those people may look poor but they have a farm they can dig, feed their children and educate them with.
Yes they are tribalists, and every other thing they have posted on this forum to do with tribe shows this. Or what do you think i should call them?