Safcon midget amenimaliza

Bundle zinaisha ile style unaharakishwa na lanye wa River road after failing to nut quickly. Haka ka-midget katafanya nihame from safcon for good.

you are the dumbest birrionnaire amused by nonsense I have heard of

Mshenzi wacha matusi

Sasa ukifuliza bundles kutaenda aje na wewe ni birrionaire ama ni Ile birrionaire ya ktalk

Kuja nikugawie chifù ,wacha aibu Ndogo Ndogo .

Utarisk namba yake :smiley:

Hehe, Isokey. Omba namba bila maringo

:D:D Yaani kusaidia a fellow friend of ktalk issa crime ?
I will use a proxy.

Yours is the philanthropy of a gazelle helping a hyena because the hyena is slow

Nigawie pia mimi na si bandoz

Am tempted to risk my number for two reasons…

:D:D Yep.
I wouldn’t dare present an offering to the king of the jungle.

Leo nagawa tu 1GB of darra. Nuthn else is on offer.

Ahaha…Should I dare ask the reasons why you are willing to take such an unnecessary risk ?

eish bana. hapa kuna a very very VERY [SIZE=1]not so [/SIZE][SIZE=4]subtle sweep mjamaa:D. Mbirrionea nguruma kiasi[/SIZE]

Shida za peasant peleka >>>>>>>hukoooo

By the way kuna vile zinasonga kusonga,ama ni vile niko broke.
Hadi chai nimewekewa hapa naona ni kama haikujaa kwa kikombe,imeisha na sijatosheka…na niko broke…

The king has discretion

Ukibuy bundles za mbao unaexpect

You can sambaza post pay?