Safaricom airtime gets consumed way too quickly for me to actually be getting billed at 3bob a minute having met the (arghhh…!!!) other conditions stipulated to benefit from this rate. In addition, and much more blatantly, i have on more than one occasion not used my phone at all just to discover my airtime has gone down.And its even more perplexing when I have checked my airtime, used my phone to make a call, and checked my airtime to find my balance higher seldom the case but goes to prove my point that there’s something amiss here!. And am not talking about isolated incidents. Please monitor you balance for a day and you’ll see what I mean. What can we do?

…at anytime make sure you have data bundles!

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Wakenya ndo wajinga. How many mobile service providers are there?


Haiya, they have even stolen one E from your title…!


What service providers to you subscribe to?


Airtel yanitosha.

Leo kuna nini… @Meria Mata called DSTV thieves na wewe uko hapa calling safcom thieves, basi Kenya ni ya wezi


But honestly, I think calling rates in Kenya r way cheaper that even South Africa

I read that Europe has now abolished roaming charges. Lucky guys those are.:slight_smile:

endelea kuteta n u still giving them 17bn in profits

Would u rather have them make a loss or close shop?

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In other news water is wet.

Angola ndiyo najua rates in 2009 were fucked up…credo ya 100 you buy it at 150


They stole your english

Sema dere wa UN, am hearing you have a busy week ahead hosting Obama. Wewe unabeba nani?



Am not sure what you are asking but We are already setting up his Simba at home.They are of the same clan with my mother