the Kenyan population is educated and aware
Why would a Sacco want to build a plaza? Hio sii ni kujitomba bure? The purpose of a Sacco is in the name; savings and credit. Period. Hio ingine Ni Wakanda business.
Hapana ingia sacco. Sacco ni za kutajirisha sacco officials, na kupea wakenya discipline ya kusave.
Kama huna discipline, ingia sacco upewe discipline, na utajirishe officials.
io ni kitui teachers sacco, akina @PERDITION watakuwa wanaringa na io plaza wakisema “ii ni yetu sisi walimu ndio tumejenga, tunafaa kuheshimiwa.”
These are rural farmers with 1kb RAM. Can’t really expect them to think much beyond rental income and other simple sorts of revenue streams.
Chairman ilikua ameplan kughula bila lube
Ukiwa mjanja unajitoa hiyo Sacco na mapema
Hata ukiweka birrions zako kwa bank watajenga plazas and continue investing worldwide. You are fucked everywhere
Saccos are allowed to invest in income generating assets like a plaza
Angarao afadhali Sacco unamumunya devidends kila mwaka
Using surpluses and not members funds. What we see happening is some Wakanda business with members savings then kidogo kidogo loans na refunds zinaanza kuchelewa then paragasha. Sacco imeanguka. Basically craft directors start shining eyes on members savings without regard to their fiduciary duty.
Hapo Chairman anafaa kuwa voted out na si kesho…