Sasa leo ndio nimejionea. After waiting for over two hours in a queue, my documents were scrutinized as if naenda kusaidia Malema kuandika kitabu ya kupindua serikali. Halafu huyo officer wa counter akaniambia ati document moja iko na makosa - go back and get the right documents. Hapo ndio nilijua sijui. Hii story ya rejection imeniuma.
Yaani watu wanaitishwa bank statements, payslips, marriage certificate, invitation ang’owa etc eish!. List inajaza locker ya KCPE candidate. Kweli good relationship between countries ni muhimu.
How I wish I was a TZ citizen at this moment, visa nipate baada ya kuingia.
Niulize, where did we go wrong? Aren’t they strict?
In the 90’s Mandela invited Kenyan professionals to take up jobs that white people had abandoned to go live in australia, new zealand, canada and uk. Doctors, nurses, accountants, engineers etc went there in droves. Now the S.Africans felt threatened since they couldn’t take up those jobs as they don’t have qualifications for the same. They imposed travel restrictions to Kenya. The same wasn’t applied to Tz for obvious reasons, they didn’t have any to export and needed all for their own needs.
Si just the other day- when he was attending the 106th ANC anniversary-UK declared that SA citizens can travel to kenya without a visa, then apply for it upon arrival? Why very readily give people privileged treatment when they are far from willing to return the favour?
The agency is called VFS if I recall properly. They handle visas for SA, UK, Schengen na kadhalika. I last used this service in May, 2017.
Those same kaburus are going back to SA in droves. Maisha majuu sio mchezo. Imagine umezoea mboch, gardener, babysitter, etc Hao kubwa with a garden, lovely weather. Alafu ujipeleke London where you’re are the mboch! Alafu ulipe flat £2000 pounds na hiyo weather ya Brito, gas bill pekee ni £600. Utawesa kweeeli yawa? Why white South Africans are coming home