After campaign kutaendaje ama tungoje afanye kazi? Kuna MCA hii area yangu amenikatia manyasi hapo nje ya gate nimpigie kura…
hapo sawa Ruto , Raira pia afanye same , Oka wafuate njaa itaisha pale kwa zile walalo ghassia kina homosexual @Bingwa Scrotum
hio mbotochop haha…i had to look twice…kumbe ni mathogothothanio
Circus to take hd photos …after elections nobody will visit those areas.
@spear should hire me. People are falling for it.
Hatuna njaa
Yani jamaa anasema Ruto tosha na hizo lorry ni poor editing maybe its poor eyesight not hindsight:D
malori zipeleke tonnes of hay huko. Lakini Egypt inapitia hizi shida kweli?
You are being sarcastic,right?
:D:Dhandouts only extend suffering… si kama ata rudi a week after 1kg ya githeri imeisha
People have failed the test here completely. Ruto and GoK only cares and goes to the well watered middle of the country. Politicians don’t waste time with people in actual need.
I remember watching a documentary… On how an old Chinese couple turned a desert into a forest by planting wild BAMBOO trees… [ATTACH=full]400271[/ATTACH]
Come on, why fight nature? you should not turn deserts to forests. Neither should you turn forests to deserts like you are busy doing