Yaani future president of Kenya alikua ana jaribu kutucheza…CSI wame fanya kazi mzuri

Explain mkuu

Maffi wewe. Ūrohīa nda ūgishūnga.

Mjamaaa wa kuchoma mahindi ni body guard wa WSR



Eish, even propaganda need some wisdom. Those are completely different people. Not even close to looking alike

jeez… @Shiroe kuja pea uyu mwosho


Simu motorola old had aerial. Not very accurate guess.

Do you know what a PR stunt is?


They even dont look twice. rosungu.dll failed to initialize

A publicity stunt is a planned event designed to attract the public’s attention to the event’s organizers or their cause.

In which celebrities management set up a public relationship pr for the fans to believe (usually to distract from something else going on with the celebrity)

What there do you see that’s designed to attract the public’s attention? If anything, it would take a very keen eye to see what you’re seeing. And even after your pointing it out, I still don’t see it. Those are different people who share some common features.

The whole thing is a public stunt… forget about the officer tht was just for security measures…