All the above mentioned thieves of public money deserve to be in Kamiti Maximum prison as I type this. But myopic Kenyan sheep think that they have good intentions of rescuing them from endemic poverty into Paradise come 2022.
[SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Chagueni MWIZI Ruto ama Ojinga at your own peril[/SIZE]
Do you have any actionable solutions? Ama you just enjoy preaching the obvious. This post is the equivalent of walking up to a starving child and telling them eat some food or you will die. Sanctimonious nonesense. I’m pretty sure with the exception of Sani and 1 or 2 of Raila’s useful idiots most people here don’t think their candidate is the messiah.
You are naive. Bless you. I wish you success in your wishes to have “clean” Kivutha and Aukot elected. In the meantime, google the word “realpolitik” then get back to the ground we can have a meaningful discussion. Or you can remain in your ivory tower and keep up the virtue signalling and sanctimonious nonsense.
Without 90% okuyu in any roll call of robbers and thugs, that’s considered hate speech or community target!
Add U, and his reptile mother, sisters etc.
Then we can acknowledge rutos thugging ways, and Raila doesn’t qualify to be in the top 10 by the way
2022 kenyans will never learn will repeat the same mistakes like over and over again like a clock until this nation fails or the sun becomes a red dwarf and life stops to exist.
Wewe umeweka bottoms up approach. Hii pesa sio ya kugawia watu. It is for creating economic leverage by improving infrastructure kama grain transport and storage, agricultural extension services, farmer education e.t.c. Handouts cant work
Wakenya walilia barabara barbara baaara bara. Since Moi left our road network has grown X100. Unemployment is still hig, youths are still suffering. Major reason is youth have no capital. If ruto will give them that why not. Tumejaribu mareli na mabarabara na bado tuko hali mbatmya. Let’s try something else