Ruto Mornings

Tuko nyuma yako mzito


Okuyu woriah…
you try that act…

Tuko nyuma ya mzito ruto

Mr A-, Claiming that Ruto has suffered is like claiming Lionel Messi has suffered after Barcelona has lost to Valencia 3-0. He gets off the game and goes to a $20m house driving a $1.5 m Lamborghini Huracan Evo, get his full pay of $50 million at the end of the year.
Bure Kabisa.

wewe apana woriah jinga ii

ni vile mi hukudharau…

The only position that fits Ruto is kamiti maximum. Huko ndio jambazi sugu hupelekwa.

I can take all the hate yall have …its Ruto liwe liwalo

I believe he is the best choice for intellectuals.

ukiona intellectual amesema ni huyu, wewe wa kisomo kidogo jua tu ni hivyo na ufuate nyayo

You are not an intellectual at all.

mefii, jinga wewe

Stupid pig.

kanyonye mboo utulie

Fūck off.

Enter Mwarabou no Mwarabou tu. What is “kisomo?” Or you meant “Githomo?”