Ruto fights for heart, soul of party amid 'scheme to kick him out'

Ruto will force them to steal his votes openly, ndio kila mtu ajue waliiba.

Si hizo kesi bado zinaendelea? Are you privy to the final outcome?

case number?

Or they can make sure he is not on the ballot.

Vibaraka walifunguliwa mashtaka.

Police on high alert as DPP hits Ruto's stronghold

basi ulichezwa. rotich is a free man. mbona hawakufunga yeye kama wezi wengine? ni siasa walikuchezea. siasa tupu

means in free and fair elections atawaonyesha dust. their only option is to kill him, izo zengine Ruto ashajipanga. Thats why anataka Jubilee wakosane sa ii ivunjiliwe mbali ajipange na party yake mapema before deadline ifike

Where is the proof that says kesi imeisha na ikatupiliwa mbali and that Rotich and his friends are free men and women?

to hoodwink the masses their file must remain open

I don’t know what you guys will do come 2022, whe Ruto misses the Presidency, because you see to be in great denial.
There was a time, when Agwambo supporters would term as strategy, any move RAO made, no matter how stupid the move was.

We are ready to lose fairly. I don’t know what jubilee is afraid of.

Uhuru and Ruto (though I hate the nigga) are together siamese twins, n Jubilee party will be much stronger (whch other party can outdo it anyway). Ngojeni time ifike ndo u’ll know, bookmark this. For the meantime endeleeni kupambana na hali yenu ya Chinese Virus.

Didn’t get a thing from your text

Whoever came up with this ambush pulled a brilliant move. When everyone is preoccupied with corona virus and their financial well being, no one is going to give a hoot about this change in jubilee party except the cream of society like MPs and the like. The beauty of this move is that even the disgruntled MPs cant organize a protest march or attack Uhuru politically because of corona virus (yani political rallies are banned for now).

Fucking brilliant. It looks like konyagi has more than alcohol in his skull.

And not only that. Apparently Murathe never resigned since his resignation was never accepted by uhunye.

Expect more political surprises as Kieleweke camp tries to vanquish Tangatanga

Hii hapa huwezi hold press release pale parliament, wonder what else Uhuru is cooking in this confusion.

Conditions are ripe for kieleweka to behave like dictators since the lockdown has essentially made uhunye dictator of kenya. You can bet he is cooking some tasty political githeri for Ruto

From now going forward, this corona thing has given uhunye the perfect cover to completely vanquish ruto

Yeap, wacha tuone.