Rungu lazima ioshwe


What new here, Sammy asha pump hio punani akapatiana ball x2.


thompson gazelles…
read them and weep

na bado hoteli. alafu uchapwe na PNC

Why people go to Dubai for holiday still beats logic… the place is an oven… i would rather go to maldives and feel the cool breez on my nuts.

Maybe birrioneas have a different experience from peasants visiting the same city.

The same way mtu wa ocha will have a totally different experience akikuja Nai to Kayole compared to Spring Valley. Same city, but a very different experience.

Maybe you will forget the heat if you spend time on a luxury yacht or with jetskis and have enough money to buy all the best experiences.

Visiting any city/location is not enough. You need enough money to buy the best experiences.

watu wamedinyana kwa blangaa moja mambo yao ni ngumu. Then in a few months same bitch will come back crying how samido is such cruel creature.

how the man who posts all his business on social media will end up.


wanaenda America

Samidoh will be performing mugizi in Texas on November 26th.

Samido was travelling to the US for a performance tour. I guess he decided to tag along a local puthi instead of going to sample some white meat uko kwa anko sam.

Samido is taking sand to the beach. hii ndio shida ya kuwa na akili iko na software ya muchatha.

in this day and age, huwezi enda huko na ukule mzungu, the mee too movement might end up cancelling you. Samidoh is just being smart

Sasa hii ni upuzi gani? A celeb with that class can’t just enjoy a trip with freedom because of a punani he has fucked countless times. Ni wana

The variety of groupie puthy he would chew is unlimited. Lakini he chooses puthy that is already stretched out.

MGTOW= FREEDOM…you can’t heal a beta male ghaseer from bitch scarcity / oneitis mentality ,just look at the fresh prince of Bel-Air ghaseer

Madem wazungu wanatombwa bado, but with caution. Real ninjas don’t care about metoo

Samido ameharibu. In US he would have a harem of Texan shiny eye of all shapes and sizes.

Kwa hio relationship Karen is the man

Its cool now heading to dec,colder in mid dec to jan. Perfect time to go

Ameachia bibi the local shamba boy?