rule no. 1 of slaying

I love how some men still think they have a monopoly on opinion. Ati what they say is law. Not tonight.

My slaying days on hold seeing that I have committed to a relationship. But I wouldn’t wanna see all the expertise from all those times of finessing, leading on, dumping and sausage fungaring go to waste.
Imma lay down some house rules for you ladies if you wanna have fun in 2018… girls just wanna have fuh-un lol…Don’t be scared about people’s opinions or a man. You control the man, be wise and let him do your bidding. Whether it’s old school like @GeorginaMakena who got unlimited swipe hahaha I’m so jelly gal…all the shopping you must be doing. Or you wanna be a new school badass miss Independent like myself. You slay them mens hahaha buh in a good way. Si ati you are to become their enemies. The only enemies we have are poor men. Lol.

Anyhu, so that’s the first rule of slaying. Be confident, be arrogant, be a bad bitch, be smart and have a your yaaass crew having yo back gal. Be a slay.
Remember the interest of most of these men is to keep us women down. That’s why they get so bitter at anything good going for a woman. If I’m succeeding in my work they say I’m sleeping with the bosses, puhliz, as if. If they see you with Money they think you stole it or something, look if I lay it good to a man and he decides to pamper me is it my fault? Should I give him bad sex and be awful company? Last when you have fun with all the attention men throw they will call you a whore. Honey be a whore, these men think we spend all our day sleeping around. The same men who complain that we don’t dish it out to them. So who are we sleeping with?

The world is yours, slay or as @uwesmake would put it…slaaayyyyyy lol

Niaje dem wa eat and run

As longa s you got pussy yall still gonna be fucked over…yall still tripping on that pussy shit has got niggas like @uwesmake getting wet on boi pussy till they wanna be trannies and call themselves @Uwesmakeress and go around attacking yall

Someone’s horny tonight

Are you trying to justify yoself for your Whore-ish attitude and behaviour??? Coz from your post,biatch your puzzy must be a dumping site of some kind…

My ideal girl…we fuck and she dissappears…who has all the time to deal with this bullshit…

Nowadays nikutumia na kutupa.

@screwplus yaani unanimiss hadi umerudi lol

poa sana Daddy Figure

If you’re really really good at sex I may be down for this (not with you, I mean conceptually)
Don’t think we have time for the games you play

I dont know what you talking about i only got a sweet tooth for the crazy pussyand has good kitchen skillz for my munchies[ATTACH=full]144734[/ATTACH]



You got issues woman


Preach Sista preach. A free world.

@screwplus umerudi

Who dat boy

and @girlciki93 uki shake off hii wazimu and am sure its soon [ATTACH]144749[/ATTACH]dame hamwezi kuka solo you can

am now am gone -fuck these mods if they don lock my thread and let me go

@screwplus huwezi jificha


My type of man:p