Kufa pole pole kijana. Tafuta pesa one day umuite na uwekelee half a million kwa meza. Am pretty sure she will give it to you.
Nudes zilianikwa hapa
wapi thermal??
He’s super rich. Like worth at least a B. Hao ndio ma boosters wa policitical parties. I could name certain milling companies they own but hakuna haja mentioning people’s names just to put them on blast and get internet points. And they are a crew. Kwanza ule mgine chicks send him nude videos constant just to get him to chose them.
Separately I’ve also seen another buddy of mine who it’s the same with him. Tukiingia place there’s literally a large group of women who have left what they are doing and are now hovering around trying to get brought into the group.
These are the buddies of mine who I’ve seen spend 100k in a night without breaking a sweat. Over and over. And then they are mixed in with media so unapata these media chicks get swept in. Si hivyo ni vile sultan alifanya Kale ka kunguru.
Anyway we were all hanging out and I mentioned rubadiri as who’d I’d gun for. Bruh showed me messages. I was like you know what nevermind. But Kuna mgine ameficha Sana. If he was willing to show proof ya huyu rubadiri but there’s another one… anajulikana… alikataa kabisa kumention. We were lost as who it was. Alisema akiingia kwa nyumba anamwosha mguu. I don’t even know if it’s a reporter ama something else. Huyo si Lillian muli. Na huyo angesema tu. Lillian muli kwanza nilimwona brew bistro nikaanza kuhanda mark maasai who was there with a friend atu connect. Lakini kazi yake inakaa ngumu. I was just fucking with him.
Hao ni malaya wa Sabina Joy. Hiyo ingine yote ni hekaya za abunuasi.
LOL Sawa. Kama unafikiri ni hivyo ni Sawa. Nimeona hii place vitu zingine watu Hawa amini juu hawajawai ona. Ni madem wa kawaida kwanza. Madem vile wanapenda doh unafikiri hawata kimbilia meza anaona mtu amenunua Hennessey ka 10. And everything else mtu yeyote anataka. Bailey’s moja pekee yake. Shisha zimekuja round mob mpaka tumelose count. Hapo ndio utajua watu wanapenda pesa. Juu ni beste yangu hata madem wengine Walikuwa wananitafuta juu yake. And these are the best looking women wanafanya hivi. Hao huwa na story mob Sana.
Yaani inafika point unaona maboys Wanaleta dame zao kwetu mpaka tunashanga. Kwani wanataka madem wapate kitu alafu wakulie dame?
Siku moja nikaambia beste yangu. Bro. Yaani unachange the entire energy ya place. Focus yaani ni wewe. Tulikuwa na yeye 1824… bouncers wakasema fuck it wakalenga story zote zingine wakakuja kusurround meza ati security. Cause they knew they could get more from him than shuguli zingine.
Nimedrop clues. Hennessy. Anatembea group kubwa. Shisha. Those who know people already know who I am likely talking about.
HEHEHEHEHE Amka utasusu kwa kitanda, hii ndoto ni mrefu ajabu
Part gani ni fiction ama yote?
Yote ndugu. And what is so hard in saying the name of the person? Because if you the person you know we will deconstruct everything that you say.
Dan rogena
hao madame wa media sana sana hupatikana club gani ndio hii corona ikiisha nivamie?
What kind of business does he do? Is is legit money or from the underworld?
I don’t know Mr officer