Roe vs Wade my thoughts

Of course we all know that Roe vs Wade has been overturned. Unfortunately men make the decisions that affect women the most. I think the supreme Court has 9 judges and 6 voted against Roe vs Wade leaving 3,I believe all three were men. I have never understood why men should always be at the forefront when it comes to women’s issues even though I am a pro life feminist, who believes in the sanctity of life.

There are many categories of women who seek to terminate pregnancy, there’s rape, incest, teen pregnancy, unmarried women who don’t want to be single mothers and believe it or not married women who do not want anymore children.

As a woman I’m aware of how desperate a woman must be to go out and kill her child bcz some women who do not have the guts to terminate their pregnancy kill themselves, there are unviable pregnancies where the foetus is not OK, there are also late term termination where the woman gives birth prematurely by being induced.

Generally terminating an unplanned pregnancy is bad even for the mother. However we cannot just ignore the rights of the unborn child. I have never used contraceptives but especially the hormonal ones like the pill and p2 actually abort so then even those using the two are equally terminating pregnancy.

As I see it, normalising and sensitising people very early to value abstinence rather than giving them sex education and contraceptives is the first line of defence. Our culture is hypersexual no wonder kids who are 10-14 are getting pregnant.

You can tell from the forum that sex is something many people take very casually yet you can get pregnant, you can get HPV a cancer causing disease that has no symptoms and of course HIV.

Growing up getting pg and catching HIV was equal to being sentenced to death. If a man makes sexual advances you will automatically start getting a headache bcz in your mind you equate sex with death.

I believe that if we put the fear of God in our youth and even children bcz a 10-14 yo is a child by any metric. Growing up we had that fear, we feared disappointing our parents and we feared for our lives and future. We saw our relatives rapidly deteriorate bcz of AIDS and die in no time. Trust me that was all the education you needed to understand that sex is very dangerous to your wellbeing.

Sex has alot, soul ties, emotional damage and many other problems besides the physical consequences. At my age I have the guts to be a mother but I don’t have the guts to sleep with a man bcz I don’t want diseases and soul ties and drama and stress of even custody problems. The doctor asked me, how long had I been trying to get pregnant and I told him I have never tried but I feel ready now but that trying route is too dangerous for my liking. If at my age I am scared shirtless, to catch HIV, to be controlled through soul ties as I have seen people do in the Coast and to catch HPV which is very common. I don’t understand how a 10-30 year old has the guts to have sex-unprotected sex Yaani CD not?p2 coz p2 can’t protect you from diseases, with a boyfriend or sponsor or whoever. It’s either they’re ignorant or insane.

I’m not about to start getting HIV and HPV at my age and being tormented psychologically with baby daddy issues. I’m using a method where screening is top notch, where I don’t have to go out and fornicate bcz I don’t want problems, my health and peace of mind are so important to me than anything else.

What really is the allure of sex with someone you are not married to for women? I’ve never understood. Then to make it worse a woman can’t use a ten Bob condom. You let a man convince you that you should be having unprotected sex bcz he’s your boyfriend, is he going to help you carry pregnancy or even pay to terminate pregnancy? Or to raise your child? For me I have been in love but in the euphoria I never forgot who will suffer most if I were to catch a disease or get pregnant. It was at the top of my mind and I still feel the same to date. I’m scared out of my mind of catching HIV for example.

What I believe is that upbringing matters the most, kids especially girls should be indoctrinated very early about the dangers involved when a woman or a girl gets sexually active. That fear of men and sex, is what can stop this issue of terminating pregnancy. Nothing else. For the women who are married aggressive campaigns to get tubal ligation if they don’t want anymore kids instead of waiting for their birth control method to fail and then ending up endangering even their own life, procuring these unsafe pregnancy terminations. Let’s not forget that a woman is at a higher risk of breast cancer after terminating a pregnancy.

If more energy can be put into abstinence campaigns it will be a better and more effective at preventing termination of pregnancy than just making it illegal and driving already desperate and confused women and girls to the backstreets.

As we say no to termination of pregnancy, let us also work at protecting girls and women from getting pregnancies they don’t want while maintaining their dignity. Let us protect especially young girls and women from hypersexualization through the media, music and movies that portray sex to be something as casual as drinking a soda when it has dire consequences. Let’s ramp up the abstinence campaigns instead of advertising contraceptives.

Prevention is always better than cure. Let our women and girls abstain from sex until they are ready to become mothers and even then they need to do it safely. Without having to catch incurable disease.

The same way churches provide alternative rites of passage instead of FGM is the same way we need abstinence as an alternative to unwanted pregnancy and the resulting usually dangerous terminations. You can not just tell girls and women to not get pregnant and don’t terminate pregnancy but you are not giving them a better alternative. Sex should be branded for the dangerous activity it is not being portrayed as something very easy to do and with no consequences. Even if you don’t get pregnant or infected with a disease, sex is still a very dangerous activity. Very dangerous that’s why I even prefer artificial methods of conception, where the level of screening is very high.

As for the issue of dry spell, I want women to ask themselves how many times they have had orgasms from penetrative sex, researchers show that less than 15% orgasm that way, so if penetrative sex can’t even give you any orgasm, what is the point of having sex? Unless it’s your job, you are sex worker or you are married and you have to hand over your conjugal rights upende usipende. The 85% are already in the dry spell even when they are endangering their life and health and future by having sex. If as a woman you do not want to start taking ARVs and going to look for back street doctors coz you don’t want kids with the guy you are sleeping with or you are just not ready for the responsibility of motherhood then just abstain. Even if you already have gotten involved, you can still put an end to that dangerous lifestyle and start afresh bcz it’s never too late and God accepts U turns and any time the devil try to shame you by reminding you of your past, remind him of his future in hell. Just say goodbye to toxic sexuality which is risking your life. Having a boyfriend is not the excuse to be careless about your life and your health. Let him go have sex with other women who don’t care about their life and health. Wewe ndio kusema. Never give any man your power to say yes or no to sex bcz you are the bearer of the consequences not him. So it’s your call ladies. Don’t let men put you in a situation which will torment you for the rest of your life.

The life of abstinence is very peaceful and empowering. You have no fear. You are in control of your body and your health. You have peace of mind. We can avoid unwanted pregnancy be it with some one you don’t want to have children with or you are just not ready for the responsibility bcz most of it falls on women even when you are married.

There are facts on record about this. Why didn’t you check or the facts would have killed the narrative?

It does not kill the narrative at all. Those who voted to overturn are 5 men 1 lady.
[li]Samuel Alito[/li][li]Clarence Thomas[/li][li]Neil Gorsuch[/li][li]Brett Kavanaugh[/li][li]Amy Coney Barrett[/li][/ul]
Those who dissented were 2 ladies 1 man.

So clearly my argument that men are too involved in women’s affairs stands. This is something I have noted even in Kenya when we were voting for the constitution. It’s always men who came on the TV panels either or against. There should be a special court for marginalised groups, if for example a case for reparations went to a Supreme Court with 3 black judges and 6 whites, it wouldn’t be representative and they’d be an outcry. A bench of 6 men and only 3 women can not decide on something that primarily affects women and I’m not supporting Roe vs Wade. I’m just the patriarchy interference on women issues. I don’t believe a man can understand the dynamics that push women into terminating pregnancy and how best that can be remendied. By the way Judge Clarence Thomas has said next they will be coming after contraceptives.

Personally I don’t support especially hormonal contraceptives bcz they cause cancerbut then I have had no need to use them in my lifetime so what do I know? Let those using them and those who have alternatives debate and vote on the issue not outsiders like me. Women should decide their own issues, a man can’t get pregnant as such he should not have the power to rule on women issues. This is why this issue has always been problematic and why termination of pregnancy is still a thing in this day and age where science can help prevent pregnancy safely for the married and also those Republicans can vote to teach abstinence and God in schools instead of sex ed that sexualises children at a very young age. Also do something about the hypersexuality in media, games, toys, children clothes and merchandise. Termination of pregnancy is just a tip of the iceberg. Let’s deal with the root causes and not the symptoms or results/fruits of the problem.

@uwesmake come and read this bullchieth and explain it to us in threesome orgy terms involving you @TrumanCapote and finest swine

Let’s debunk some myths …

Lots of people successfully use hormonal contraceptives and don’t develop cancer…

But a variety of safer choices exist so enjoy your life … :D:D