Very sad. The real victims are the children.
You guys fvck ugly women.
She’s well endowed
Mbona hii kunguru ilikua na jina kama ya dawa inaitwa Rocephine yenye ina contain Ceftriazone Sodium?
Mbona hii kunguru ilikua na jina kama ya dawa inaitwa Rocephine yenye ina contain Ceftriazone Sodium?
He should have left her
Exactly, mtu akule na ajipe shuguli.
True, perverts kama @Mpenda @Agwambo and the likes wakidushi Hawa ladies of the night lazima wapost huku. Who the fuck cares?
A good number of prostitutes are actually married women, and it’s amusing that a majority of y’all don’t know that, including their customers here…So chances are high umekula Bibi ya mtu na hujui brathe.Mad Mad world.
Sijasoma, ngoja tumalizane na Ruth Matete’s case kwanza.
Nyonga monkey ulale ghasia
A beautiful woman who could have refused to date broke asses who can’t afford to provide for the family. She was probably in love so she decided to prostitute herself to make ends meet all because she fell for a broke man.
A broke man is a very dangerous man. He will destroy your dignity as a woman by you prostituting yourself, being a work mule or work horse sleeping with strangers. And in the end you will die at his hands for asking him for money.
Please ladies let us please leave all broke men alone. Afadhali ukae single but remain alive with your dignity intact. Sio kuuza Kuma to take financial responsibility for a grown man.
What I hope the daughters learn is that no man is worthy you selling your body for or supporting financially in any other reason. Women are delicate and they’re not meant for broke men. Brokenness makes men beasts. Hakuna kitu painful kwa mwanaume like not being able to provide for his family.
Ladies if you must get married afadhali hata uwe 3rd wife kwa mwanaume anajiweza than kuzalia mwanaume Hana chochote. You will suffer, he will resent you for loving him when he’s broke bcz men know that broke men don’t deserve love.
So Sad for the kids. Will possibly never recover from that, but really hope they do.
A lot of marriages have zero attraction, dame alikuwa anaona tu vile atakamua beta male pesa. Unfortunately keeping up appearances becomes unbearable and after a while she shows the true colours anaanza madharau wazi wazi.
Use your mgtow brain just a little bit. Who in their right mind will go out to be fucked by strangers all day and you know the men who patronize prostitutes are no Brad Pitt, if the husband is providing sufficiently? Who would do that? WHO? Tena it’s not even high end prostitution ni River Road. Anyway these are the wages of mixing your self with the evil beings called men. Broke men. This Nairobi is very small the man knew very well what the wife was doing since life was moving smoothly even though he wasn’t providing. Basically he was a silent pimp. Hana shida bora asiombwe pesa. So many women in this Nairobi have married themselves. Husband is just a status symbol but nothing but a liability. The fact that someone you have kids with can beat you for 3 hrs for asking for money speaks volumes about this man. Oh! And she was not asking for his money but her own money that was in the mpesa to be withdrawn. By the way do you know what happens when a prostitute asks her pimp for some money, the money she gave him after selling her body? He would beat her to within an inch of her life. One pimp broke the jaw of his prostitute. Looks like this pump done lost his money maker and now going to jail for life, by taking the beating too far, obviously he’s been beating her as a means of controlling her. No way someone will beat you for 3 hours if they’ve not been doing it. When you wanna be the bad guy know the limit else you will end up in jail 25 years for murder being screwed in the behind and paid with ugali. An half cooked ugali whore. Karma is beach. Gotta luv her.
Thin line between love and hate, sweethearts and snakes.
Akili yako ni mzuri kweli, IQ ya watu muko hapa iko down tuu sana. A woman who is getting 10k a week will go to prostitute in River Road? How? So nowadays a man providing for his own family, his own kids ni kutoanishwa? What is even 10k a week hio ni pesa ya kusema umetoanishwa unless you are a brokeass. Anyway Maisha ya 50 50 ndio hio. If a man can not provide for you fully, why have his kids then uanze kujiuza River Road of all places na kukunywa pombe to maintain your sanity. I really pity some of these married women. What was the point of getting married if you have to prostitute yourself to make ends meet. A very sick society we live in.
Uza pussy kama umetulia naniii, acha makasiriko.
Releasing pictures of minors is not right.
Noma saidi