I work in the hospitality industry, so my employer has build a spa for their clients. We only have one masseuse who has always been acting very professional(at least in our eyes). A few months ago we had a client who is deaf, so to make things easy the communication was by way of notes and you had to keep them for continuity. The masseuse kind of left her notes on my desk when she came to pick something and I stole a peek. The guy had asked her if he could get a happy ending, the masseuse did not answer in the notes. She serves 2 to 5 clients a day, the facility is high end so these are monied Wazungus mostly, she must be getting those requets daily. She has a serious “boyfriend” at the workplace. What are the chances she will turn down all those requests? Especially where money is involved.
Mono baller , are you by any chance the serious "boyfriend " B4 we tell you the bitter truth ?
She dishes it out once in a while… wakiwa wamekosana na office boyfriend atagulwa huko
Admin naskianga unakuanga na testicle moja ni ukweli?
If you don’t ask questions you won’t hear lies. Bora scandals zake zibaki behind closed doors sindio?
Ghey ghey Ghey
Mister, do we call you Mister??!!
usi nyonye kende mosi io kende imebaki buana