RIP to old MGTOW


Sad way to live

He had some trauma most likely and hadn’t built relationships with his family and the community to assist him. Many elderly women live alone but they have people from church and other communities coming to help them with cleaning and such.Single older Men are a bit challenged in building social networks outside the internet and being part of communities like church


Kwani ulikuwa unaishi na yeye

Some things are obvious. The man had no visitors. The relatives had to be looked for like they were lost. House full of buckets with excrement is that normal to you?

Sick man!

We don’t know more about his life, but it’s possible to live completely cut off from people, sometimes by choice–not a good or safe choice to not have friends or relatives who you speak with once every few days. Life gets bleak if you fall ill while completely alone.

I have a single older friend in the US in his 70s, he has a very active life that we have to have a schedule for us to catch up. He’s not just sitting around in the house all day. He’s in a church choir, he’s doing photography and working part time. In life you gotta work with what you got and humans aren’t created to just sit around doing nothing even when they are older. That kind of lifestyle is what kills people, nowadays there’s communities for everyone you have no excuse to live a life in isolation. It’s terrible for your physical and mental health. Old women have bingo clubs and book clubs. Men need to be more community oriented. Rugged individualism isn’t so great when you are an older person in need of help from others. The hoarding is also a bad sign.

That’s how a MGTOW birrionea should die. Like a dog bila kushinda akililiwa na kusumbua watu.

Nigga lived his life by his own terms and died the same.

Nah, man. A human being isn’t supposed to live like an animal, you’re simply not made like that. What’s great about living your last days in filth, shitting in buckets, and not having a soul to talk to?
True, death is not avoidable, but how you live life before it ends is a choice, which doesn’t have to be a cold, lonely, friendless existence. Think of the pleasant memories you have, and you’ll see that it is the people we spend time with and the things we do together that give life a purpose and a meaning.

Africa is Paradise. Africa is still active when it comes to socio-cultural activities & values.

Wazee hawapati boredom vijijini, open invites to ceremonies I.e child birth, initiation, dowry negotiations, traditional weddings, grandkids visits, burials, traditional games like bull fights, etc.

Invites from their fellow old folks to imbibe local brew and have fun. Each member has his day to host.