Haiya, what has Kiraitu eaten? Kindly give me the info with credible references. I like mucenee…
I don’t know where to start but there was a paper done on politics and wealth in Kenya and it touched on several ministries where politicians became wealthy overnight, Ministry of Energy and Health were on that list .
Kiraitu was the minister for energy at one point , prior to that he was running a law firm nothing major but after he became minister he quietly amassed immense wealth in spite of having no known enterprise then.
But just a small pointer, in your electricity bill there is a tiny line known as fuel levy and fuel surcharge, it was supposed to be charged when KPLC used generators to produce electricity but it was charged continuously even when electricity was generated by hydro.
Secondly, I don’t know about today, but in the past, Nigeria, Finland and Norway among others, regularly donated barrels of oil to Kenya, It was supposed to be sold in the open market to cushion oil prices in Kenya, that donation is never reflected in GOK revenue , its quietly pocketed by those in power aka the minster for energy.
I interviewed this guy once on air. pre-interview he was very “specific” about his name. it was onyango oloo not oloo onyango.
Alale unono.
Is Githongo credible enough?
RIP onyango oloo… jukwaaa made me intellectually vibrant
I don’t trust faggots. Do you? Can you stand in front of them naked?
I thought so.
Thank you sir.
You sound retarded !!! Look at what you just wrote and convince Mathare that you don’t belong there
May he RIP
You can barely write in English you little gay twat…shindwe!
Sad. OO and nattydread fight was as legendary as thrilla in Manila’s Ali/Frazier.
I wondered why there was no thread on O. O ile kizungu na masweep hutembezwa huko jukwaa ni mwoto sana
In case you haven’t noticed, kizungu mingi cannot feed a man. I hope that Jakaswanga and Okoth Osewe of Sweden have realised that ancient Marxist ideologies will not make people share the fruits of their hard work with the ‘activist’.
He was just another loser, just like that Karl Marx fellow. You live in exile for all those years and can’t even start a useless “think tank” to fleece wazungu. You have the power to influence masses but die like a dog. That should tell you that your ideas no longer resonate with your followers. For all his faults, Raira is a master at reading the mood, that’s why he’ll remain relevant until the day he dies.
There are people who go to Canada with nothing but become millionaires within a decade, doing menial jobs. So he only has himself to blame for dying poor. Alternatively, maybe he really didn’t care about money. I also once met James Diang’a in Kisumu promoting his book, another useless fellow. Kenya would have been a super shithole if these guys had gotten close to power. Some people are just good at yapping, they should never be allowed to actually implement anything.
I actually agree with and love all of this.
Did he actually die of HIV? Does it mean that if he didn’t have HIV, he wouldn’t have died? He was almost 60? Does it mean that if a HIV +ve person dies, he has actually died of HIV? This thing really irks me, because that is how we end up with those crazy HIV death statistics. So anytime an HIV positive person dies, it is because of the HIV (and it is recorded as a ‘HIV death’). We have been so thoroughly brainwashed by the HIV/AID’s industry propaganda. I wish someone undertook some serious independent research in this area. That is why people are killing themselves upon being diagnosed. That is why people are killing their spouses when they think that the spouses infected them with HIV. And people are being pushed left, right and center to get ‘tested’. Yet in actual fact, it could be an inconsequential diagnosis, if a proper survey of deaths among HIV -ve vs HIV +ve [without ARVs] was undertaken.
I wrote a long post to pay homage to the late, for such were his trademarks.
He was a thinker. Unlike you. :D:D
You have HIV?
“Thinkers” have to be poor?
You had to be on your toes all the time but the members were genuine friends off line, very civil even after giving you sweep ya mwaka it wasn’t personal
I suppose you would know better than O.O. himself on what ailed him, please enlighten us.
Paying homage to a person means respecting the ideals he lived by, he chose to be open about his status on a very public forum.
I believe Jakaswanga is a lecturer or was at a certain point