Riots In Europe Over COVID Lockdowns, Kumenunga

Sweet riots


When covid happened, many people were scared. I was. A few crazies like me saw what was a pilot phase of an Orwelian Dystopia…1984 in real life. It was a glimpse of the grim future ahead.

The pilot phase was a huge success. The conclusion was that your home can be turned into a prison and the program can be rolled out globally if need be. I wonder what the powers that be have planned for phase one. Expect more lockdowns in future for any flimsy excuse.

Human beings should totally refuse this type of nonsense going forward. Let’s say no to lockdowns and stupid curfews. Covid is just one of the many diseases existing today

Netherlands has a fully vaccination rates of 84.7% na bado wanafanya lockdown.
In some western countries they are even ordering employers to fire employees who are not vaccinated.
This is starting to look like elites trying to control ppl sio public safety. I expect more riots in these countries.

Wazungu maumbwa wakufe. They have raped this world for too long

Say no to globalization. Fúck those owners of parasitic owners of capital.

Mzungu used to own governments by proxy. Now they want to have every human sheep on a ledger and under their control.

This need to be resisted by all means

Hakuna huduma bila chanjo .
Comming soon

It was Orwellian Dystopia bro and it worked very well.
They were very happy that it also worked in colored people countries where the rule of law enforcement isn’t applicable, but money really does get things done.
We are heading there.

We’re very lucky this covid-19 doesn’t have much of an impact on Africa.
Otherwise we would have been next on the chopping board.
No funding without full vaccine intake. No juicy grants.
And the lengths men can go for money, even the raider in Suguta Valley would’ve been vaccinated before being allowed to continue with the games.

Ok,swali langu,assuming every person gets vaccinated,what next?

Again huelewi context. You seem to have a problem grasping world issues and how they apply to your present situation. Lakini kukueleza ni kazi ngumu sana juu skull yako ni kama imeundwa na lead.

passport could eventually be sideloaded with numerous things…

-bi annual jabs (birth control, forced evolution, euthanasia, etc)
-social credit…
-digital wallet…
-carbon credits, animal meat credits (tied to climate change??)
-trackable, hackable humans…name it all

It literally opens door to all sorts quackery.

Even with generous welfare Muthungu can still protest. A masterclass by Xi. Inaonekana covid was specialized for white folks because everywhere else things ziko sawa except Urope na Murica.

The Vatican does,it’s called a birth certificate

Rare to see someone who knows the truth. The more you dig the more you realise that truth is indeed stranger than fiction!

They’re all on the same team

I’m relaxed,this is the cleansing for the age of Aquarius.The debates on c19 have become the distraction,most people are looking at it from a physical level since that’s their level of knowledge.

Right. But hio ni old technology…

I meant blockchain ledger…and they might try lure people into getting chipped

Graphene oxide is listed in patents of C19 virus,it can help with that.Here’s the endgame
Nanoparticle Vaccine: The Next Generation of Vaccine Technology | BioSpace