Ringtone Apoko is a squatter in Runda. Has been issued a eviction notice

Apparently the Swedish owner of the half acre house died in 2007. By law an administrator is supposed to divide a dead property persons property to his family. Somehow Ringtone moved into the house and had been living rent free. Now legal proceedings have began with a eviction notice. Atawezana na Kayole? Jamaa ameenda MIA.


Heres a video of the actual home.


Unapata wapi nguvu kumcheka mwenzio akiwa chini

Are you a man?

Story makes no sense. How do you just enter someone else’s house and live there for more than a decade. Kuna vitu hatuambiwi.

A minus. Nilicheka wapi.

Last two lines …akianguka unafaidika wapi? Kivipi?

Probably been fighting in court. They probably refreshed legal proceedings. You have to give a notice to vacate, even if it’s your house.

Mimi ninareport tuu.

Si wangetuma goons kitambo. Can you imagine having a property worth at least tens of millions na kuna jamaa flani anaishi hapo bure. Ukimfukuza unatafuta a solid security company. Most likely there was some sort of agreement in place enye hatuambiwi. Kwa sababu hata kama ni court cases, lazima kesi ikue na merit.

Na suspect alikua anakuliwa mkia na mwenyewe alafu kabla a die alimake will ika sema apeane mkia to 5 of his friends anytime, any style, NKN.
Saa hii omwami ni mtaro na hana utamu. Unfortunately hio will ina sema kama slices haziko poa, the 5 friends can legally evoke a clause that can evict omwami bila repercussions.

walikua wamekuja. Check out the video below. And interestingly, Ringtone said he pays rent on the house.
Gospel musician Ringtone embroiled in Runda land grab drama – VIDEO – Nairobi News

Ujinga kila mtu na nyanyako called “content creation”…some r gud…98 percent utajijuhow now…waste of time n space…the 2 percent r magic…kila mtu na data yake…life kama bundle za safcon…inazama

Ringtone A-Poko is part of a cartel that defrauds/grabs property from old whites and Asians in Nairobi.

Ghasia rudi kwenu Somalia

Hii waria na A- zake za ujinga. What did you do in college? I bet social sciences kama waria waosha mkundu wengine?

Real men do natural sciences, great men do MATH

Story kama hii mkitaka kujua details ita @Sambamba juu anaijua inside out juu huyu ni conman mwenzake.

Unaeza tudanganya he lives rent free, lakini, izo magari yeye alichukua za mtu amekufa pia?

From the way you are defending him it seems this story below is 100% true. :D:D:D:D

Can you kindly confirm. @sani hii story lazima ni ukweli.

Huyu kijana amefukuzwa na nani …


Ringtone ni mtu ya mkono ya Agnes Kagure

Okay. That makes sense. But we are also aware that Ruto’s “businesses” have been taking a hammering lately, logic dictates that he would let go of some hanger’s on.

Who is Agnes Kagure? Thought she was some washed-out slay queen for the late Saitoti and aspiring politician. What does she do?