Congrats to this Lady for achieving a status very few in life will ever manage to achieve. I remember akifanya debut pale na pon de replay now amepita hadi ma mentor wake the likes of Jay Z
@patco bana umekua ukiuza waru pale Detroit for 10 years now it is time to say No and get inspired. #patcosaynotopoverty
Normally I dont invest in such posts but sijui kama ni ju ya kuskiza uyu mwanamke muda mrefu I felt happy for her. She’s managed to achieve something quite astonishing
Huyo @patco had a relapse yesterday alikua ametoka home bila kumeza tembe zake . Saa hii ako on zombie mode baada ya mme wake @johntez addi gaza msafi kumpata akiradarada huku akampa double dose na kumpiga kuni na hasira.
If this stories were believable Mariah Carey would be leading the pack hands down followed by the likes of Mary J Blige.
Today Blige is worth only $20 million yet she does tours like a nonsense.
If we are talking selling merchandise, Mariah Carey has been selling merchandise since the early 90s and yet she has never clocked a billion she is stuck at $320 million… these stories are very very fake.
hehe patco acha ushienz its not that hard to determine a celebrities networth especially wenye such kinds of income. Kweli umekua a redneck americunt yani ata wewe ushamezea story za conspiracy kila mahali:D
You can tour to pluto and back you will never make billions. Majority of her funds have come from the shares she holds in her companies. I wont deny Mary j blige is a pioneer and a legacy but Rihanna is a titan you cannot compare the two heri ungesema Beyonce. Sometimes pia it depends on your luck/intelligence/ambition most black bonobo’s are content with the money they make from the music industry. Mtu kama Nas is an icon in the hip hop industry but ikifika pesa his entire net worth becomes worthless decimals compared to Jay z despite being the same age and almost as influential as him
Uyo shoga mkuu of course akona backing but haezi fika pesa kama io at least not anytime soon. It is extremely difficult achieving and maintaining the fame and influence of megastars kama Rihanna. Lil nas will probably be washed up ten years from now and another batty boy will take his place
Hapo napo unachocha wewe. Forbes has been the official website for determining the networth of elites kwa society for decades. Kanye has a networth of 1.8bn io ingine unatoa wapi kizee
She has been dating billionaires to stay afloat . You are telling me that marketing makeup on instagram has flipped her a whole billie?
If you look at Michael Jackson, manze that guy sold clothes, hair gel, shoes and he never touched a billion. And yet he was the hardest working man in music. Hii ni fake news. Kwani billion imekuwa 10 bob? Aiiii.