You loaned your friend Kshs 4,000/= last year BUT since then he has refused to pay back, which has really deteriorated the friendship. You beg him to just pay you Kshs 2,000/= and forget the rest because you are in a financial crisis.
Your friend then says he can only get you Kshs 1,500/= since that’s all he has.
You feel like you have no option but to accept. You give him your account details to send the amount directly to your bank.
You wake up the next morning, check your account and there is Kshs 15,000/= in it.
You keep staring at the screen in disbelief but it is indeed 15k.
You grab your phone and find 53 missed calls from him and an additional 27 text messages begging you to transfer back Kshs 13,500/= since he only meant to send Kshs 1,500/= and accidentally added an extra “0.” .
What are you supposed to do?
i loaned fala ingine 7k last year mwezi wa tano,jamaa tukasumbuana anilipe akasema alifutwa job hana pesa hio stori nikasahau.now hii mwaka jamaa akanicall akanishow kuna stuff anataka nimsaidie kuuza, akaniletea akanishow niuze ile pesa nataka, bora nimtumie 10k. niliuza 15k
as good christian and law abiding citizen nikakumbuka 7k hakunilipa, kwanza kwa ile 10k nikakata thao saba nikamtumia 3k. alikuja kwangu amezusha siuji hio alikuwa anataka kulipa rent. nikamshow ata ningekata interest dio atii 'pay me i pay you"… “united states of america does not negotiate with terrorist!” akakuja mkia akaishia ,and we as still goood friends though .