Rexxxfisi Osha Mecho Na Huyu Personality



Keff Joinage hulamba hizi vitu


This mamaa is fine, lakini aende gym kidogo

Mimi naapa ya kwamba nikipata Grace Msalame nitamlamba hio coomer mpaka atingike kama kisiagi ya @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD na ni dry fry like a ghaseer

She reminds of an ex. Both had enormous hips but matako flat


For christ sakes … is that even possible. Walai mko na maneno.

…Ohh My Oh My…

Asian classic body. A bit hippie frontal view but back side is flat earth

Very possible. It’s wierd but very possible

By the way there is a crop of scientists who believe that the Earth is Flat .There are known as flat earthers.They even have an association The Flat earth society

Haha maze. Kuna venye ukiona hio waist hip ratio unaexpect mali flani nzito nyuma but ukiangalia ni surface enye ata unaeza tumia ka meza


This type huwa wapana sana.

Mali ya Patrick Quaracoo pale Radio Africa

mali swafi but niliona daktari alirarua tumbo yake very ugly scar on the navel area

Hapana hii ndio inakuanga tamu

Vile unararuliwangwa mkunye na Gangbang ya Mapipaa?!