A group of 83 women and counting are suing an Indiana obstetrician-gynecologist, alleging that Dr. William David Moore got away for decades with performing “lingering and sensual” examinations that were clinically unnecessary.
The women — who range in age from 15 to 73 years old — also allege that Moore [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]often did not wear gloves during such examinations, and [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]photographed their breasts or genitals under the guise of medical and gynecological care.
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)](Huyu mlami na shuku ni Talker)
Most of the women included in the medical malpractice lawsuit felt uncomfortable with Moore’s procedures, but assumed they were either medically necessary or part of standard gynecological care, their attorney, Stephanie Cassman, told Insider.
Only after the Indiana Attorney General’s Office began investigating Moore — resulting in his license being suspended in January at an emergency hearing — did many of the women realize their former doctor had treated them inappropriately and violated their trust, Cassman said.