This depression and bado ww3 inakam
Ni kujipanga my fren
risk kila kitu mpaka shelter na future ya watoto wako?
So you are not defending government but defending your salary…gava is your employer unaona revolution ikifanyika utalala njaa
kumira kumira,
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Try harder Babuonists! Any businessperson can smell the BS in this post from a thousand miles away…
and to think some ninjas voted twice to prove tribal superiority:D:D:D:D
Who is being protected by this move of stopping the sale of imported merchandise by claiming that its counterfeit? Most people don’t care whether goods are genuine or not as long as they serve intended purpose and are not harmful to the users. Why would the government protect foreign companies at the expense of locals? Even China/Asian tigers have been built on the back of stolen tech/reparations
I am a Kikuyu like you
Hiyo ni nini? Kwani? It is somehow ok for business to die kama uko giriama ama ongiek?
Naaah! Sirkal brings in about a quarter to a fifth. It’s just that I’ve been to war ravaged countries, some of them bordering ours. So when I see you playing with a matchstick I pity those around you. But maybe we’ve gotten to the summit of where our Negroid IQ could possibly get us and the only way is down going forward
If this is true, then guy has to blame for the way he has been running his business. Ati amepeana deni ya 87 million na bado ana-chukua loan ingine using nyumba kama collateral - na bado anapeana na deni!!? This story sounds as fake as fcuk!!
Fake News
tell him to post his tax returns for the last 7 years, then we can talk.
Revolution made in Twitter :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Watu was regime change hawachoki wachunge we don’t turn into Libya after the “revolution”
How do we know that he is really a Kikuyu guy and that he really owns those businesses or has employed all those people?
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the individual behind this is actually an ODM guy looking to cause drama
Or even a Manrutz guy wanting to cause further anti-kenyatta discord in Mt Kenya. Kikuyus are business oriented so why not try to use that to gain support…
wewe umewahi fanya wiring pigsties kama tano ukifikiria umetumia wire ya east Africa cable na baadaye juu ya matatizo ya kuwa ilikuwa imekatika huko ndani haifanyi kazi, inabidi ununue na ufanye rewiring tena?wakuleta counterfeits wakitaka hata kujiua wajiue!
that story sounds fake
awa watu wa conterfeit ni funny wanajua vizuri gava imeamua conterfeit haziingi liwe liwalo lakini fala bado anapanda ndege anaenda china analeta container ikishikwa anaanza kuwhine kwa internet sijui revolution wacha aende wajinyonge wakitaka
So business has never been good? Methinks most ktalk billionaires are underpaid civil servants who thrive on petty corruption. In my office block, I have counted a number of doors left vacant by collapsing businesses. This is fundamental coz during Kibaki’s time, offices were booked way before the tenants departed. Now, you can’t convince me that all this guys lack innovation. Some have been done in by unpaid invoices while others have had to let go of a good number of employees. Kitaeleweka soon. One pretty senior fellow in our Treasury keeps on telling me that nikundialala.