Rev: Caroline Kiarie


With immediate effect , She is now my favorite female preacher

By any chance , does anyone know at which Church can She be found …???:blush::revolving_hearts::pray::sparkles:


Hehe, you have a very selective spiritual compass–her diocese appears right where her name does, but you missed it. So, confess your sin: it’s not really the church you want.


Ukijua niambie twende tuombe slices

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I could actually confess all my sins and She could provide excellent Spiritual Nourishment

“…For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of the Lord …”

“…Come unto Me all Ye who are heavily laden and I will give You rest…”


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You host too many unclean spirits, there would still be no rest for you.

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Cc: @TrumanCapote :

Reverend Susan Munene AKA Pastor Twa Twa killed it …!! :joy::rofl::hotsprings:

I find myself frowning listening to her. To me she looks and sounds like a coarse marketplace gossip; just too unpolished in dress, manner and speech.
I would prefer speaking with Rev Carolyn.


Wacha nitafute nudes zake

1 Corinthians 14:34. ESV the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.

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Mungu anajionea mengi in these churches of nowadays.


Ephesians 4:28. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something…



Dear All …

1 Corinthians 7:5
Chapter Summary.

Saint Paul rejects an idea concerning the many believers: that Christians should not have Sex .

Some even think Sex in marriages should be avoided except for the purpose of procreation.

On the contrary , Scripture says Christian couples should have regular Sex in order to avoid temptation.

The colourful and outspoken Rev: Susan Munene AKA Rev: Twa Twa is often a bit crude in here delivery but is absolutely on point

@TrumanCapote :
@KuwaitBabe :
Take careful note
“…Defraud Ye not one to another…”

In plain Swahili

Be advised accordingly…!! :yum::cherries:

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Sisi kama wanajamii ya atheists we have noted with increasing concern the infiltration of women into church leadership. We want to call onto our Christian counterparts to remember your core values na mwache hii mchezo, Amen.
1 Timothy 2:12-14
[12]But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.
[13]For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.
[14]And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

Reverend twa twa is a false prophet sent to make a mockery of the podium and tarnish the name of the church.


Animals were created before Adam, does that make them superior?

So Adam wasn’t deceived,he just watched Eve getting deceived and instead of warning her that she was being deceived,he decided to follow her being deceived even though he was the one who got direct instructions from God first about that tree.

Btw do you know that God was waiting for Adam to fess up and He’d have forgiven him? Never crossed his weak mind inspite of knowing God .

It’s funny to believe in male superiority when people with XY chromosomes die more in utero,infancy and have lower life expectancies than women.

By the way, do you know that according to the Jews, if your mother ain’t Jewish, you are not considered a Jew? Those are God’s chosen people. Their values are very clear. That’s why it was the woman’s seed ,not the man’s that’d crush the serpent :snake: aka Satan. Even God knows that male superiority is a punishment because He made women superior.

Wewe bitter woman don’t start with me. Can you first go and HEAL from whoever hurt you and turned you into a frustrated man-hater and then you come back we talk? Mentally you are already the female version of Jack the Reaper!

Maybe you should heal from whatever turned you into a bitter God hating Chimpanzee who believes he evolved from an ape.

What is there to love about men? Maybe you could help me stop hating them huh? How can you love someone who is capable of raping and killing you? If I ‘heal’ from seeing men for all they truly are and walk into the world with nothing but love and adoration for men in my eyes, I will end up a statistic. I’d really like to make you feel better about your self and your demonic gender but my first instinct is self preservation. If you don’t like my hate, that’s your problem not mine. Go ask your god forsaken gender why they are evil and inhuman. Better frustrated and bitter than this.

I have to hate men to survive you stupid monkey. Do you know what could heal me from the trauma of seeing women being killed every day? If you could take all men to Uranius for a month so I can wake up at 3am and walk butt naked to town while leaving my doors wide open because all the men are in a distant part of the milky way.

I’m a female Jack the Reaper? Stop being emotional you silly God hating Chimpanzee. He only killed 5 people. I identify more with Jeffery Dahmer. He killed almost 20 black men :gorilla:who were looking for a white Zaddy. Doing the Lord’s work . He’s probably in heaven right now.

You are going to die and burn in hell if you don’t quit this atheist macho bs. Change your ways before it’s too late for you, you colombus monkey. And I don’t engage with devil worshippers ,so you are blocked! Forever! Ati come back we talk ? If you don’t believe in God, what will we talk about? Sina energy ya kupoteza kwa makafiri.

The sexist , misogynist and backward nonsense being spread in here is precisely why I parted company with organized religion ages ago.

The Supreme Creator is the foundation of Spirituality.

He created ALL men ( and women ) equal.
(…equal here in a very broad sense and not our common understanding of it …)

For example
Women were created with different attributes for motherhood and to make sure Adam was not lonely…!!:blush::cherries:

Man is the creator of Religions , religious sects and all the weird dogma floating around today.

( …the reason that we all worship one GOD but in different ways and belief systems… and some are plain disgusting …!!)

Strive to achieve real Spiritually and reject all the False Prophets and Dogma floating around you.

On that note

I would like to celebrate this 23 year old Messenger of the Lord and assure her that I stand ready to join her in Thika to contribute to her Youth Ministry and other allied “CSR” activities:yum::cherries: