Huwa nakumbuka Netflix tried to Film The Crown in Kenya naskia nimechoka… It is now [SIZE=7]one of the most popular shows globally. I[/SIZE]magine those hundreds of millions of eyeballs around the world all getting to see Kenya from the comfort of their home, it would do wonders for our tourism sector. The place where the Breaking Bad series was filmed in ABQ is now a tourism hotspot. Their favorable laws have even allowed Netflix setup their biggest studio there. Kitu kama hiyo haiwes make Kenya, the seed of growth can never be planted in vumbistan. Retard Jesus would be at the forefront demanding that he be given the script for any films before they can be filmed in Kenya.
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Retard Jesus ni nani?
He is also known as Depa wa Yesu in some quarters
I remember Micheal Douglas was frustrated by Biwott back in the day he wanted to shoot the ghost and the darkness in Kenya because the scenery hadnt changed in tsavo since the man eaters era but biwott wouldn’t let them without za macho frustrated they settled for SA, Imagine how much Kenya would have made and learned from such a huge production !
The shitholeness of this country is beyond measure. No sentient being that walks the universe can comprehend that illogical minds of a Kenyan given some small piece of power.