Post them here. Number and location for that one lanye you will always visit for their thorough services

Kwani ni wikipedia unatengeza? Threads zako mob ni kuomba number na pics za lanye

This is a free site. You can post whatever you wish to

Man siku moja mtu ata atawatega na kuwapea number ya County commissioner ama DCC. Sjui mtajitetea aje kortini lol .

DCC ama county commissioner are humans as well.

Tamu kama sunguch

In that case take it +254 743 820508

Maze kuna number nimewaicall Truecaller ikaleta “Abdi Duale” sijawaikata simu na mbio hivyo

Imagine upate ni biggy flani na alkua akipata threats prior, from unknown people. alaf iyo day uko na 2k na blue balls inakusumbua unapiga ukidhani ni shawrry ya utawala kumbe umejiletea noma

@uwesmake post mama ya @PHARMACY contact here

@uwesmake kijana wa mama pima mchafu Malaya muuzaji wa pombe haramu pale kimilili mwenye ukimwi

mama ya mkamba mjinga illiterate @PHARMACY huuza kuma AIDS infested 49 bob mlolongo.

anaitwa Zilispers Mueni @PHARMACY 07245893000

@uwesmake mtoto wa mama pima mchafu Malaya WA busaa kimilili mwenye ukimwi na clitoris mrefu kama ndovu

If only someone can tell me where the lanyes who used to operate at Gill house I will go there 100 times again. Those girls used to know how to milk the balls dry.

Convo inaanzianga watsapp kwanza, ama telegram, kama vibe hakuna you abandon ship

Uko na upuuus mingi.:D:D:D

malaya mtamu jaluo pale tea room,when i just got in seems she had just been fucked downstairs and was cleaning her hands.mimi huyo nikangoja walls za kuuma zirudiane and in 45 mins was fucking her and screaming in my turkana language obscenities,paid 1k after 2 shots kufika home nimekuta bibi na night dress bila panties anadai atombwe. nakula supper mezani nimemeza titries nangoja 1 hour nikamtombe.

Son, this is terrible of you considering bibi hakunyimi chochote, okoka

My standards, not your life