I have seen educated people end up in their 60s with only a shirt on themselves.
Its good to buy land. And maybe build rentals if you can. Dont be cheated by the numbers kids are putting out here. Kids here are only thinking about piling up money in the bank. For what?
Azoh is right kiplani hapo. Am in construction industry na me hitembea sana sites zinajengwa huku counties.
Looks like there is a construction boom in these small centers. Shida ni every small time hustler who can access 2-3m just thinks of putting up the same ol bedsitters that will give 5k monthly. Now am starting to see a glut because nearly every homestead has some 10 rentals hapo kando. Tenants ni wale mashida shida tu yaani college students, broke bachelors, whorez and assorted hustlas. When you looks at the math after kulipa loan, Caretaker, kujilipa, taxes, KPLC [this can be a big money sink] etc unajipata in the red.
A smarter investment l think would be convert those bedsitters esp if the location is prime into lodgings. Huwezi kosa wasee wa hata 500 daily - my ‘hapa tunalipa ngapi’ niccas am looking out for you. Monthly that translates to at least 12k, not bad for a bedsitter
My sacco has consistently given us dividend per year on 12% interest. Imagine if you invest 5 million as shares. You will gain 600k which translates to 50k per month. Without the hustles involved in demanding rent from tenants
Kenyans are naturally-born copycats. That’s why it always so easy to fool peopleto pursue some shoddy business ideas like the quail business, public likes.
One of the reasons biz fails in ke.is because of greed…I mean authentic ke. cultured & build. Ke.&Chingchos bliv in making CRAZY MARGINS.
What you peddling is corporate mentality (… and if u are not then they hammered it into you and you bought it.) that capital should be in the hands of th bigger and more est’d one. Boss. When Kibaki (Economist No.1) came in he broke, burned and buried that myth. Tha why biz thrived.
You math is wrong :- Land rates is paid once a year so it’s not a monthly exps. With margins of 20-30K for small units you are doing extremely well. Subject to to fact that you did no get get facility to put them up.
In fact let me give you REAL FACTS. Edermmann (the biggest chingchong) cons have not gone down bcz of uzuri wasrikal.
I know someone who has 6 units her margins are 15k and she is enjoying her life with peace and prosperity kuliko Edermmann who have like a gazillion project…4 actually…na Ile Kiswahili wanachezea watu huko. Haizulu
Anyway kama untaka ku invest na ma rentals advise yangu Ni fanya 1 ama 2 bedroom. Hii kitu ya bed-sitter peleka hio biz na university ndio imakesense. Go back to my discus of margin hapo yuu. Why would you building a 2 bedroom for camp kids?..halafu wakianza ma sponsor munawalaumu? Good brains lied to by Corporate Capitalistic Bullshiters like Kirubi. I hope that man dies soon of what ails him.
You absolutely right, these small projects only work well for retirees who need something to keep them busy and improve their social status which makes sense since they don’t need to make more millions, just a little maintenance cash is enough. I would definitely do it in my 60s but sio saa hii
But for a youthful investor with big dreams, it’s a dumb investment strategy. Better go for stocks or put your time in a more productive business venture
I didn’t propose starting a business with the entire sum. Just a tiny fraction of the total sum. I did that for a reason. I also understand the riskier nature of business.
Corporate mentality or whatever you call it is sometimes right. About it, bring figures, not history.
I don’t remember writing anywhere that you pay land rates monthly. Plus, I already know its peanuts but it is a cost nonetheless. I expected the reader to use common sense and divide the number by 12 which you didn’t.
That point is neither here nor there. I don’t see how it applies to this thread.
Erdermann is a developer. This thread is about being a landlord. I also don’t remember writing anywhere mtu ajenge 2 bedrooms for campo kids. You have a serious problem comprehending a straightforward argument. So, you are one confused element and there is no need to engage you further.
Fungua club bwana na hio 5M, pimp vizuri, in towns like Mombasa, Nakuru , kisumu. The club doesn’t have to be like Sabina joy ama Tribeca, etc… but sure as hell club ya 5M Ni kitu Swafi, you shall constantly have in flow of customers, in a short time utakuwa umerudisha Doo zako
Mtu ako willing kufanya project ya 5 million kukuwa slum lord, that is obviously his life savings. If you were in his position u-risk your entire life savings by kufungua club, you would lose that money in 2 years. Kuna kitu inaitwa risk kwa business. Ushawahi try biz in real life?? No businessman would ever advise anyone to risk a significant portion of their net worth in a start-up. Kusema ati utakosa kukuwa slum lord ufungue biashara na the entire sum ni kuruka mkojo unakanyanga :meffi:. If I was to advice the guy ningemwambia anunue land with 4.5 million. Land is extremely low risk. Then he can start a wines and spirits shop na 500k which is extremely high risk.