@ Rene Descartes Mike Tyson

The best mike tyson documentaries.
The first, ESPN Classic:Mike Tyson special, showcases his early years:From him being bullied in school;Stint in Juvie/Juvenile;Cus training him;Winning junior olympic gold twice;Turning pro;33-0 record all by KO;Becoming the youngest heavyweight champion(a record that still stands to this day) to the final climax:Biggest upset in boxing;his first loss to buster douglas.Very rare footage of all his proffessional fights till 1993.Hii ata niko na original dvd

2nd one:TYSON,Released in 2009,does not feature as much about boxing but sheds more about his personal life:The rape conviction;Conversion to islam;Post prison and recapturing heavyweight title;Marriage to Robin given and their divorce,Fall out with trainer Teddy atlas and teaming up with Don king(hapa ndio downfall ilianza),Losing the title to Holyfield;Rematch with holyfield and the ear incident;Partying,Women,him being a dad;To Don king bitter fall out and Finally his eventual decline to retirement.
At the end of the documentary,when asked if he has regrets about squandering his wealth he says “ofcourse i dont have as much as i used to,but you have to understand i never thought i’ll live to be this old.maybe 30,but am now 47 ,who thought i will get to this age!..old too soon smart too late silence follows



Very good insight

Thanks man, he is just misunderstood. But hopefully, he got his life back on track.

iyo 1st ni mtu ame compile,not complete.The dvd niko nayo its 4 plus hours long,haiko youtube.the best thing about the 1st doc ni hao espn boxing panelists;narration na discussion zao ziko top notch.but nimepata kapart 1
