remind me

mtu anafaa kufika likes ngapi ndio a move to the next title
just highlight all of them and their respective likes need to be attained . nimekaa sana Sv nataka nikue 'VE by and month

meanwhile mnaeza nipa izo like nimove to the next level


Sijui kama ni mimi pekee nachukia hii advert ya mawowowo.
Nikiiiona nabaki nimesinyika.


kwanza change avatar yako pia ina mawowowo


what on earth is mawowowo

Talk the Bingwa Scrotum group of handles…
Just one week and you’ll be Village Elder!

how much should i have in my bank accounts to become a village sponsor?

Wewe mark timing ndio itakuvukisha to the next level,sio contribution

See yourself


ina umeffi sana mi ata nazimanga tv… mawowo si ni matiti?

Its the most creative n effective ad in the airwaves right now. Every kid in my plot seems to like it. Even my 11 month girl stops whatever shes doing and rocks to it when it comes on

[quote=“phantom, post:13, topic:160975”]

Its the most creative n effective ad in the airwaves right now. Every kid in my plot seems to like it. Even my 11 month girl stops whatever shes doing and rocks to it when it comes on
when you or your kids love something it doesnt mean it creative and effective…
senji uko na miaka ngapi tena?[/QUOTE]

kama nani ebu keti paree ukijiulizanga iyo swali …n next time learn to use the word PLEASE when adressing your elders

it is very stupid

your standards are low

Sasa matusi ni ya nini? I meant to illustrate how how catchy the ad is and its ability to draw attention. You cant ignore it. You are made aware of Ilara by force. Am sure thats what the creators were aiming for.
Am sure the owners of Ilara consider it money well spent.

See the buzz it has created!

PS. They were going for the kids

i love that mawowo advert from the sweet sounded kid to the sexy dancing mother