Religious-Neutral Dialogue: are ALL leaders chosen by GOD?

The common narrative is all leaders are chosen by God

On the stem that God wills everything

But don’t you think some leaders are just the work of the devil having his way?

President Trump for example

@Purple by extrapolation

Ati god, most ‘leaders’ including CEOs and managers are narcissists and emotionless sociopaths who are truly convinced that they are the best for the job. They have superficial charm and ill-gotten wealth to lure in peasants and their poverty mentality.

The prince of this world is Satan himself. Most of the leaders are ordained by him to be in positions of power. Did you know that all US presidents, top monetary organisation CEOs and multinational firms CEOs are Freemasons and members of the illuminati?

Trump is the best. He isn’t a politician and only gives a shit about his people.

Is God willing to prevent evil leaders from coming to power, but is not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then from where do evil leaders come from?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?


So Satan is more powerful than your God? Do you guys think these things through before you say them?

Wacha feelings. The fact is that the kingdom of this world has been handed over to Satan. But only for a short time. After it expires, him and infidels like you will be burnt to smithereens!

Not forever? This deal is getting better!

I believe it’s to nothingness

You have to define first which god you are talking about… We all have belief in different gods. Its impossible that all these gods have the same attributes…

This is the best deal. “Forever” can become boring.

No. God is more powerfull than you,

Man made thinking

Niaje @Wagido? Kwani unakuwaga umeokoka? :D:D:D