Release of #PanamaPapers Tomorrow 3rd October 2021

Get ready for our largest collaboration to date: more than 600 reporters from 117 countries have been working in secret to uncover groundbreaking stories hidden in a trove of more than 11.9 million documents. The #PandoraPapers drop tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. EDT, 4:30 p.m. GMT. [7.30PM Kenya Time]


keep us updated

[SIZE=7]Vile @Shaka amesema[/SIZE]


Sure. I will.

Who is their main target? Trump?

These troves are released yearly and nothing happens. The Clintons still eat breakfast at their kitchen table, Beau Biden still collects his millions from Ukraine, Konyagi still wash washed his cash through layers of fake coffee traders, Kaplan Real retired to enjoy her birthday billions, Messi is still dribbling to nowhere. Only Malong is in jail

Malong Dicc?:smiley:




Kumbe this is it ![ATTACH=full]389707[/ATTACH]


Kina John Allan-Namu are very bold.


Now you know who is loaning kenya in billions, the euro bonds and the ppps. Then they go to imf and world bank to repay themselves. Greed!

You are a genius! Very few people can unravel this… in fact if you think through the Expressway you will see who is behind it… and what it’s all about…

13173 is the new 6666