My four years boyfriend impregnated a girl for the first time and they successfully managed to flash it… Now its is the second time he has impregnated the same girl and he has decided to just support the kid. The guy claims that the whole thing is a set up for the girl to win him for which to some extent it looks true because the girl has already signed in to pregnant mums pages at one month and some weeks of her pregnancy. The guy claims he does not love the lady that is why he has decided to tell me his situation… Kindly advice on how to handle this issue
What is going on here?
Second time! Somebody should take responsibility…
Relationship love fades, kids bring different kid of love till your death.
a set up for the second time? kubali mko wawilli mummy. sharing is caring.
mixed up
Teach him how to properly use a condom…
a couple of advices
- If you do not have a problem with your man for being SET UP. Advise him to bring the other girl inside your house and he be set up from within. It is better to have your enemy in peeing out, than outside peeing in
- If he is ready to support, tell him to wait for delivery and apply for custody. In that way, no other time will he be set up. Pema ni pema usipopema, ukipema si pema tena
- Accept to share with no explanation
flush it again.
Why have you not conceived? Kwani una kasoro mahali?
How many times have you flushed ?
You are the side chic getting in the way of her and her BOYFRIEND
so aliflush ya kwanza then akamfuck tena,by mistake ama?ni wewe umejiset up…ujinga ni kurudia kosa.
Set up a handsome hunk elsewhere
it’s called homosexuality. a field of expertise for uwesmke, Marty mcfly and atwoli254
hyo condom ilikua na leakage kwani
That is the first sign,hybrids have the tendency to give in in such cases,take it to a qualified mech thank me later.
Flee or accept a 3some relationship