When things take a turn for the worse it’s always hard to see the good to anything.
All around you is a black. You’re in a tunnel and you don’t see the way out. So you start to cry, whether it may be because you’re afraid of the dark or you’re afraid of how things will not get any better and will continue to spiral downward.
I swear today I wanted to give up all hope I had. I was ready to be rid of the one thing I loved so much. (hope) .
But I had people there to remind me that I shouldn’t give up because eventually things will get better. And it is that fear of not knowing what will happen that will make you stronger.
Have you ever heard the term “regression to the mean”?
No ?? , well it’s a bit of a technical way of saying things will always even out.
Like things will always get better or
More like things can’t always be bad.
So, no matter how bad things get…Or how good.
They always come back to the middle.
Regression to the mean.
I’m not so sure that applies to anyone here
but perhaps it might .