Red pill


If you’re interested, delve deep and research on war brides by Rollo… That’s the most bitter redpill there is.

Those are not Kenyan Women. Awache Daktari for A Watchy??? HEEELLLL NOOOO!!! If you know any Kenyan woman who will pick a broke ass over a doctor. You need to bring it to our attention. Because I don’t know any. Women do not need sex the way men do, to women sex is a means to an end and mostly that end is stability and security. Which a broke ass does not have. This people sell this propaganda to you bcz you don’t think critically, you are sheeple. All someone has to do is sell you a fake story and it soothes your broke ass that you don’t need money to get women. Please show me a woman dating a doctor who is sleeping with a Watchy and I will give you money.

Just ask tall mnyama everywhere if red peel has helped his broke ass get women. Na vile ame cram but has Noone to practice it on bcz nobody wants a broke ass.

For sex they will…but for money and upkeep ni betamale doctor atasumbuliwa

Then why is tall mnyama everyday having problems getting sex yet he’s got a PhD in Red Peels? Of course low value women will sleep with anything but majority of women I know including married women won’t have sex with a man with no money. No money No honey. They don’t get wet till they see some money or in mnyamas case the company car.

Red pill manenos